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Coral Reefs and Your Commute

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See the coral reefs Commute Club postcard

Postcard coral reef photo by Professor Rob Dunbar
Photo: Rob Dunbar. Ashmore Reef.
View a larger image (PDF, 190 KB)

What do coral reefs have to do with your commute? Find out by reading a message from Professor Rob Dunbar, the W.M. Keck Professor in the School of Earth Sciences and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment.

Request a coral reefs poster

A limited supply of Stanford's coral reef poster is available featuring coral reef photography by Stanford Professor Rob Dunbar. Request your poster today.

Request an alternative commute plan

Would you like to try an alternative commute, but you're not sure where to begin?  Request a bike and/or transit commute plan, and we will put a customized plan together for you from your front door to Stanford. Request a commute plan.

Learn more about the Commute Club

If you meet eligibility requirements, you can receive Clean Air Cash or Carpool Credit by joining the Commute Club.

Learn more about endangered coral reefs

A press release issued March 11, 2009, states that “the impact on reefs is a consequence of both ocean acidification caused by the absorption of carbon dioxide into seawater and rising water temperatures. Previous studies have shown that rising carbon dioxide will slow coral growth, but this is the first study to show that coral reefs can be expected to start dissolving just about everywhere in just a few decades, unless carbon dioxide emissions are cut deeply and soon.”

“Our fossil-fueled lifestyle is killing off coral reefs,” says co-author Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology. “If we don't change our ways soon, in the next few decades we will destroy what took millions of years to create."

Read the full press release at the Carnegie Institution for Science website: "Coral Reefs May Start Dissolving When Atmospheric CO2 Doubles"

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