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Helpful Hints for Walking and Biking to Work (or Transit!)

2 bicyclists
Photo: Miles Keep

Research has highlighted the benefits for your health of biking, walking, or taking public transportation to work. Scientists have now recognized a link between "active transportation" and lower rates of obesity in countries across Europe, North America, and Australia. Their research concluded that countries whose residents use forms of active transportation at high levels had the lowest rates of obesity.[1]

[1] Bassett Jr., David R; Pucher, John; Buehler, Ralph; Thompson, Dixie; “Walking, Cycling, and Obesity Rates in Europe, North America, and Australia” Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2008, Volume 5, Issue 6.

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Join the Commute Club

  • Earn up to $300 per year in Clean Air Cash
  • Request free hourly car rental vouchers each quarter
  • Use Stanford’s free Emergency Ride Home program if you have an emergency, like a personal or family illness when you’ve used alternative transportation to commute.



A walk or transit commute helps you reach 10,000 steps a day Photo: ©

Biking and Walking Tips for Rainy Weather

You might wonder how to fit biking and walking into the rainy months or during inclement weather.  The right gear can help make a difference.  Extra caution is necessary while riding in the rain. Here are some tips to stay warm and dry and be safer on the road. If you have other suggestions or questions, send an email to

What to wear when walking or biking in the rain

Additional tips for biking in the rain