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Tell Us Your Story

Congratulations to the winners in our Commute Club “Tell Us Your Story” promotion!

These are just some of the great stories we received from Commute Club members letting us know why they like (or even love) their sustainable commutes. In addition, five Commute Club members who submitted stories each won a $50 Amazon gift card in our Tell Us Your Story promotional prize drawing.

Select a photo to reveal a Commute Club member’s quote and a link to his or her full story. You're also invited to visit "Sustainable Commuters in P&TS" to read commute stories from some of our staff in Parking & Transportation Services. We walk the talk!


Ramzi Salti

"Yes, I have saved money and time since joining the Commute Club, but the most unexpected gain is ..."

Read Ramzi’s story.


Larissa Collins

"I have to say, my Commute Club story started off a bit reluctantly!"

Read Larissa’s story.


Isabella Chu

"We are saving enough money to take a nice vacation every year."

Read Isabella’s story.


Justin Higinbotham

"I save several hundred dollars each year in parking, AND they pay me several hundred additionally ..."

Read Justin’s story.


Heidi Beck

"Carpooling or taking the train makes commuting a pleasant distraction rather than a chore."

Read Heidi’s story.


Claudia Baroni

"It is easy and I am not only saving on gas and on parking permits, but Stanford actually pays me ..."

Read Claudia’s story.


Matthew Haith

"It's nearly a $600 net gain to avoid the parking fee, and I receive incentives ..."

Read Matthew’s story.


Brittany Merchant

"I attended a BeWell event ... I honestly wrote the word "guilty" and put it on display."

Read Brittany’s story.


Andrea Corney

"I've lost weight ... I save money ... I'm grateful the construction nudged me out of my car!"

Read Andrea’s story.


Andrew Kloak

"Not only did I save money ... but I've also lost weight ... I wish I had started doing this earlier."

Read Andrew’s story.


Michelle Ho

"I declined a job offer in Los Angeles, thinking of how much I love my commute to work!"

Read Michelle’s story.


Vidya Mahabaleswar

"The daily drive bumper-to-bumper, getting to the toll gate of Dumbarton bridge ... made me switch ..."

Read Vidya’s story.


Kevin Lortie

"If I can do this, almost anyone else who works at Stanford could do this ..."

Read Kevin’s story.


Laura Williamson

"My heart was pounding ... as this truly was my very first time riding the train."

Read Laura’s story.


Rica Enriquez

"I don't have to fit in a work out and I get to use the time on the train ..."

Read Rica’s story.


Hugo Gonzalez

"NEVER IMAGINED! It has now been two months that I have not driven my car."

Read Hugo’s story.


Kelly Andrasik

"I could not be happier with this healthier, more stress-free, and economical change to my life!"

Read Kelly’s story.


Parveen Abidi

"The most blessed part of taking the bus is my stronger family bonding ... Plus, I am in a good mood at work."

Read Parveen’s story.


Mike Gallagher

"I've saved thousands of dollars per year in transportation costs and time ... the latter being the more precious of the two."

Read Mike’s story.


Catherine Baker

"Joining the Commute Club has provided a very relaxing commute, with new friends human, canine, and avian."

Read Catherine’s story.


Magali Ferare

"As a student, I gave up on the idea of reading for pleasure — there was never enough time."

Read Magali’s story.


Gay Routh

"I have met many wonderful people and developed friendships that would not have been made if I was driving to work."

Read Gay’s story.


Kyle Briscoe

"I find that not worrying about traffic, weather, or being exhausted makes the commute to and from work much less stressful."

Read Kyle’s story.


Rachel Isip

"It is my 'me' time that I look forward to each day, guilt-free."

Read Rachel’s story.


Emily Rostel

"I am burning calories, saving money, being kind to the environment, sleeping better, and stressing less."

Read Emily’s story.


Joel Varley

"We all alternate driving so everyone gets a chance to leisurely enjoy the ride and the company."

Read Joel’s story.


Amy Kuzdale

"I am able to get so much accomplished on the train and don't have to worry about traffic, parking or the ridiculous price of gas."

Read Amy’s story.


Dipti Madnani

"In addition to the obvious cash benefits, I've experienced overall stress reduction and more opportunity to exercise ..."

Read Dipti’s story.


Jennifer Lumb

"I lost six pounds in two weeks! (Finally, I can fit into my favorite jeans again.) And I got fit!"

Read Jennifer’s story.


Michele Majors

"I was studying for the GRE test, and the walk to work turned into a perfect study session ... I did AWESOME ..."

Read Michele’s story.


Chunhua Zheng

"The largest gain is the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day -- knowing that I have helped myself and the environment."

Read Chunhua’s story.


Vasavi Ramachandran

"I was so sleep deprived that I used to nod off to sleep at peak hours with so much stop and go traffic."

Read Vasavi’s story.


Janet Farmer

"My friends think I am crazy, but I commute from Tracy five days per week. Planes, trains and automobiles!"

Read Janet’s story.


Jessica Spencer

"I lost two sizes, felt great, and MADE money."

Read Jessica’s story.


Cristen Shinbashi

"We have two young children at home and find carpooling great for catching up, planning, and spending quality 1-on-1 time ..."

Read Cristen’s story.