Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Publications Author: anne guerry

Incorporating Natural Capital into Decision-Making »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Research Brief | June 22, 2015

Anne Guerry, Steve Polasky, Jane Lubchenco, et al.
Nature as Capital »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | June 16, 2015

Anne Guerry, Stephen Polasky, Jane Lubchenco, Becky Chaplin-Kramer, Gretchen Daily, Robert Griffin, Mary Ruckelshaus, Ian J. Bateman, Anantha Duraiappahb, Thomas Elmqvist, Marcus W. Feldman, Carl Folke, Jon Hoekstra, Peter M. Kareiva, Bonnie L. Keeler, Shuzhuo Li, Emily McKenzie, Zhiyun Ouyang, Belinda Reyers, Taylor H. Ricketts, Johan Rockström, Heather Tallis, Bhaskar Vira
Key Lessons for Incorporating Natural Infrastructure Into Regional Climate Adaptation Planning »

Oceans | Published Work | July 1, 2014

Suzanne M. Langridge, Eric H. Hartge, Ross Clark, Katie Arkema, Gregory M. Verutes, Erin E. Prahler, Sarah Stoner-Duncan, David L. Revell, Margaret R. Caldwell, Anne Guerry, Mary Ruckelshaus, Adina Abeles, Chris Coburn, Kevin O'Connor
Notes From the Field: Lessons Learned from Using Ecosystem Services to Inform Real-World Decisions »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | August 23, 2013

Mary Ruckelshaus, Emily McKenzie, Heather Tallis, Anne Guerry, Gretchen Daily, Peter Kareiva, Stephen Polasky, Taylor Ricketts, Nirmal Bhagabati, Spencer Wood, Joanna R. Bernhardt
Coastal Habitats Shield People and Property from Sea-Level Rise and Storms »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | July 14, 2013

Katie Arkema, Greg Guannel, Gregory Verutes, Spencer A. Wood, Anne Guerry, Mary Ruckelshaus, Peter Kareiva, Martin Lacayo , Jessica M. Silver
The Challenges of Incorporating Cultural Ecosystem Services into Environmental Assessment »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | February 5, 2013

Debra Satz, Rachelle Gould, Kai M. A. Chan, Anne Guerry, Bryan Norton, Terre Satterfield, Benjamin S. Halpern, Jordan Levine, Ulalia Woodside, Neil Hannahs, Xavier Basurto, Sarah Klain
The Role of Eelgrass in Marine Community Interactions and Ecosystem Services: Results from Ecosystem-Scale Food Web Models »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | November 7, 2012

Mark L. Plummer, Chris J. Harvey, Leif E. Anderson, Anne Guerry, Mary Ruckelshaus
Catching the Right Wave: Evaluating Wave Energy Resources and Potential Compatibility with Existing Marine and Coastal Uses »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation, Oceans | Published Work | November 7, 2012

Choong-Ki "CK" Kim, Jodie Toft, Michael Papenfus, Gregory Verutes, Anne Guerry, Mary Ruckelshaus, Katie Arkema, Greg Guannel, Spencer Wood, Joanna R. Bernhardt , Heather Tallis, Mark L. Plummer, Benjamin S. Halpern, Malin L. Pinsky , Michael W. Beck , Francis Chan , Kai M. A. Chan, Phil S. Levin, Stephen Polasky
Where are Cultural and Social in Ecosystem Services? A Framework for Constructive Engagement »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | August 1, 2012

Kai M. A. Chan, Anne Guerry, Patricia Balvanera, Sarah Klain, Terre Satterfield, Xavier Basurto, Ann Bostrom, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Rachelle Gould, Benjamin S. Halpern , Neil Hannahs, Jordan Levine, Bryan Norton, Mary Ruckelshaus, Roly Russell, Jordan Tam