Monterey Area Research Institutions' Network for Education

Preparing Tomorrow’s Ocean Leaders



MARINE (Monterey Area Research Institutions' Network for Education) provides professional development opportunities to prepare future ocean leaders for interdisciplinary real world problem-solving.

MARINE is a collaboration between The Center for Ocean Solutions and seven Monterey Bay area academic campuses to prepare our future ocean leaders, and enhance marine education. Our partner campuses include:

Each campus is represented by MARINE Student and Faculty Liaisons who work together to design and organize events each year.


We aim to equip Monterey Bay area graduate and post-graduate students with skills to be ocean leaders and communicators by:

  • training students to contribute to environmental decision-making and shaping the students' leadership and communications skills early on in their careers;
  • exposing students to professional development and networking opportunities and
  • nurturing the growth of MARINE as a networked community of students and faculty who focus on marine-related science and policy.


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Professional Learning Opportunities

Each year MARINE organizes a variety of professional development activities to help prepare future ocean leaders.  MARINE also works to connect graduate students with career opportunities through a variety of career resources.

MARINE Programming

MARINE offers graduate  students professional development opportunities based in communication, collaboration and innovation.

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Upcoming MARINE Events

Learn more about upcoming MARINE workshops, seminars, and courses, and register for future MARINE events.

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MARINE Calendar

MARINE highlights events happening at partner institutions as well as those happening within the Monterey Bay area.

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MARINE Community

MARINE engages graduate students and early career professionals in the use of social media for networking and scientific communication.  Connect with MARINE on social media, including Facebook LinkedIn, and YouTube.

MARINE on Twitter

MARINE uses Twitter to share stories, events and news within the MARINE network as well as interact with professionals and agencies.

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MARINE shares career and internship opportunities in ocean and environmental science, policy, education, and communication.

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MARINE offers graduate students and alumni the opportunity to practice their writing skills for a professional, scientific audience.

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"Passport" is a MARINE project currently under development to both expand and illuminate MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding) between Monterey area institutions allowing graduate students to register for courses at different campuses in the region.

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MARINE Newsletter

Subscribe to MARINE's weekly newsletter to discover events, news, and jobs from across the Monterey area and beyond, or read past issues to see what you may have missed.