Connect responsibly

From our ongoing conversations with parents, we know that staying on top of your teens’ online activity is a big concern. Teaching your teen the basics of responsible digital citizenship will help them make good choices when you’re not around. They should know how to respond to social situations online, how to report abuse, and who to go to for help. Learn more about how to start this conversation with your family.

  • Keep personal information on a need-to-know basis

    Find quick tips to teaching your family about online reputation.

    Read more

  • Make smart connections

    Follow these simple tips to teaching your family about healthy and harmful online relationships.

    Read more

  • Be an upstander, not a bystander

    Online or offline, bullying hurts. Teach your teens what is and isn’t acceptable communication on the web.

    Read more

Safety tools

Discover Google safety tools designed to help your family monitor their online reputation.


Manage YouTube Comments

If someone is making comments that you don't like on your videos or Channel, you can block them on YouTube. This means they won't be able to comment on your stuff or send you private messages.

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To block someone on YouTube, visit their Channel page, which should have a URL similar to

On their “About” tab, click the flag icon.

Lastly, click block user.


Share videos with just the right audience

Whether you want to keep a video private, share it with a few friends, or release it to the world, there’s a privacy setting for you. On YouTube, videos are set to “Public” by default, but you can easily change the settings in “Privacy Settings” while you’re uploading the video. If you change your mind later, you can change the privacy of an already-uploaded video.

Learn more

To change Privacy Settings, visit your Video Manager.

Find the video you’d like to change, then click the Edit button.

Go to the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu.

Pick Public to share with everyone, Unlisted to share with users who have a link to the video, or Private to share with specific users.

Click Save changes.


Stop unwanted comments or tags

If you’d rather not see someone’s posts on Google+, you can block them by going to their profile and selecting Report/block [person’s name]. You can also mute specific posts to no longer see them in your stream.

Learn more

To block someone on desktop, go to their profile.

On the side of the profile click Report/block [person’s name].

Confirm that you want to block that person.


Choose whose updates you see in your stream

What if someone adds you to their circles, but you're not interested in interacting with them? If you don’t want to block them, you can mute them instead. If you mute a user, you will no longer receive notifications from them or their page.

Learn more

Open Google+.

Go to someone’s profile/page.

Click the arrow below their profile photo and info.

Select “Mute [person/page]”.


Control the chatter about your videos

It’s easy to moderate the comments on your YouTube channel. You can choose to delete comments, or to hold comments from certain people or with certain keywords from being published before you review them.

Learn more

To moderate comments, click the arrow in the upper right of a comment to see your options.

Click Remove to take down the comment from YouTube.

Or, click Ban from channel to block the user from posting comments on videos and your channel.

In Comment Settings, you can require approval for all new comments before they’re posted or you can disable comments.

Comment Settings allows you set filters for who can comment on your channel. You can also block comments with certain words.

See more safety tools