NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

DOE to Build Next-Generation Supercomputer at Berkeley Laboratory

New Pre-Exascale System Will Be Named ‘Perlmutter’ in Honor of Lab’s Nobel Prize-Winning Astrophysicist » Read More

NERSC Recognized by NASA for Contributions to Planck Mission

NERSC staff was honored with a NASA Group Achievement Award for their HPC support of the Planck Space Mission, which pushed the limits of HPC and cosmology. » Read More


A Big Data Center collaboration between NERSC, Intel and Cray has yielded another first in the quest to apply deep learning to data-intensive science: CosmoFlow, the first large-scale science application to use the TensorFlow framework on a CPU-based HPC platform with synchronous training. » Read More

Pickled Power

Computer simulations reveal that an additive commonly used to extend the life of Li-On batteries works because of a chemical reaction similar to pickling. » Read More

Breaking the Exaop Barrier

Computational scientists from Lawrence Berkeley and Oak Ridge national laboratories and engineers from NVIDIA have, for the first time, demonstrated an exascale-class deep learning application that has broken the exaop barrier. » Read More

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Computing at NERSC

Now Computing

A small sample of massively parallel scientific computing jobs running right now at NERSC.

Project Machine Nodes NERSC Hours Used
The AMS Experiment: Monte Carlo Simulations for the Study of the Anti-Deuteron Flux in Cosmic Rays
 PI: Samuel C.C. Ting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cori 1,025
The AMS Experiment: Monte Carlo Simulations for the Study of the Anti-Deuteron Flux in Cosmic Rays
 PI: Samuel C.C. Ting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cori 1,025
The AMS Experiment: Monte Carlo Simulations for the Study of the Anti-Deuteron Flux in Cosmic Rays
 PI: Samuel C.C. Ting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cori 1,025
Computing the Sky at Extreme Scales
 PI: Salman Habib, Argonne National Laboratory
Cori 1,024
center for integrated simulation of fusion relevant rf actuators: scidac project
 PI: Paul T. Bonoli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edison 680
Computational studies in plasma physics and fusion energy
 PI: Abhay K. Ram, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edison 672
Computational studies in plasma physics and fusion energy
 PI: Abhay K. Ram, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edison 672

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Did You Know?

ASCR 2017 01 a lrg

NERSC supercomputers are being used to help design super quantum computers of the future.