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Stanford MBA Admission Blog

15 May 2014

Get Ready to Apply for Fall 2015

We're gearing up for a new application season and we hope you are, too. We've made some changes to this year's application. To help you prepare, whether you're a first-time applicant or are reapplying, here's a sneak peek at what's new when the application launches in early July.

Letters of Reference

This year, we are asking for two references. One reference must come from your direct supervisor (or next best alternative) at work. Your second reference may come from either someone senior to you (i.e.,who has observed your performance) or a peer. This recommender may be someone from your work, or not. For example, someone senior to you could be a client or previous work supervisor or board member. A peer could be a work teammate or a colleague in an extracurricular activity. You get to choose.

With choice comes responsibility. You'll need to decide what works best in your situation. Do you have a former direct supervisor that knows your work exceptionally well? Then a second professional reference is probably in your best interest. Have you worked on a significant project with peers outside your workplace? You might want your second reference to come from a peer.

The most important consideration is, choose recommenders who can best express your abilities and potential--people who know you and believe in you.


We streamlined here, as well. This year we will ask two essay questions, instead of three. "What matters most to you and why?" remains the primary essay prompt (750 words). The second question, "Why Stanford?" (350 words), asks you to explain how the Stanford MBA Program, specifically, will help you get where you're trying to go. Tell us how the Stanford experience will help you become the individual you aspire to be professionally and personally.


Luckily, some things don't change. There are three application rounds for admission in fall 2015; you may apply in one of them.

Round 1: 1 October 2014
Round 2: 7 January 2015
Round 3: 1 April 2015

As always, you can find complete information about the application process, including tips, in the Admission section of the website. Here's to your journey toward business school!


6 May 2014

Inspiring Change with LOWkey Notes

You've probably heard our motto, "Change lives. Change organizations. Change the world." But how do Stanford MBA students embody this through their actions, behaviors, and words? One way is through the LOWkeynotes program, which challenges students to share ideas they believe will inspire others and make a positive difference in the world.

In LOWkeynotes, students work all quarter long to develop and practice powerful nine-minute keynote-style presentations in partnership with communication coaches, faculty and alumni. LOWkeynotes provides students the opportunity to grapple with some of the challenges that leaders face as communicators, and to learn what it takes to go from being just a good presenter to being an effective leader.

Last month, a group of 28 students delivered presentations that covered a wide variety of subjects.

Marissa Duswalt, a first-year MBA who formerly worked for First Lady Michelle Obama on her "Let's Move" campaign, encouraged us to be conscious consumers who are empowered to make healthy choices. She shared a story of her own struggles with weight, and how making more informed decisions about food changed her life.

Natalie Domond, a second-year MBA, described the power of "tipa tipa," or the wisdom of "step by step," a mindset and philosophy she adopted after surviving the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and witnessing the power of slow but steady incremental change.

Adnan Iqbal, an MSx Fellow, offered a presentation on the advantages of choosing to respond, rather than react, when confronted with tense or difficult situations. By taking the time to deliberate and be intentional when responding, he argued, we all have a chance to engage with others more authentically and leave a positive impression.

To watch for yourself, check out the 2014 LOWkeynote presentations.


31 March 2014

Two Masters Degree Options: Which is Right for You?

Stanford GSB offers two different masters degrees focused on general management. Since you're reading this MBA Admissions blog, you're probably already pretty familiar with the MBA Program, which is a two-year, full-time program with no minimum or maximum number of years of work experience required for admission.

But did you know that Stanford GSB also offers a one-year, full-time program for experienced leaders? The MSx Program offers a Master of Science in Management degree to professionals who have at least eight years of work experience.

The two degrees share several similarities, but are also distinct in important ways.

What's the same?
Both the MSx and MBA Programs are full-time and focus on general management. They both feature Stanford GSB faculty and elective course offerings. They both provide the same access to Stanford resources like the GSB's centers, courses throughout Stanford, and university-wide institutes like the MSx students and MBAs both have the same opportunities to join clubs, attend events, and engage in the social activities of the GSB.

What's different?
On the other hand, the MSx core curriculum is tailored to more experienced managers. For instance, leadership coursework focuses on executive management development. Similarly, there is a specialized team in the GSB's Career Management Center that supports students who are further along in their careers and have honed their professional focus. The cohort of mid-career fellows in the MSx Program is around 83 while the MBA class size is around 408 students each year.

What about admission?
Both programs look for intellectual vitality, reflected in your aptitude and attitude toward learning. Both programs also consider demonstrated leadership potential. However, the MSx Program places greater emphasis on the amount of experience you've had (at least 8 years required). The MBA Program does not require any minimum number of years of experience, and looks at demonstrated leadership potential more broadly.

The MSx Program also considers your clarity of purpose as a criteria for admission. Clarity of purpose is reflected in a focused sense of professional direction, ambitious goals, and strong self-awareness. The MBA Program considers your personal qualities and contributions that add to the class. Personal qualities and contributions may include your experiences, beliefs, passions, dreams, and goals.

What program is right for me?
Deciding which program is right for you is a highly personal choice rooted in your own background and aspirations.

Stanford MSx Program Stanford MBA Program
Full-time, 12 months (4 academic quarters) Full-time, 21 months (6 academic quarters)
No summer internship Opportunity for summer internship
Global experiences optional Global experience graduation requirement
64 units to graduate (up to 10 non-GSB) 105 units to graduate (up to 12 non-GSB)
Admission Criteria: Intellectual Vitality, Demonstrated Leadership Potential, Clarity of Purpose Admission Criteria: Intellectual Vitality, Demonstrated Leadership Potential, Personal Qualities and Contributions
Awards MS in Management degree Awards MBA degree
Stanford MSx Class Profile* Stanford MBA Class Profile**
83 fellows 406 students
67% international students 41% international students
Work experience: 12-year average, 8-year minimum required (8-25 year historical range) Work experience: 4-year average, no minimum or maximum (0-21 year historical range)
47% previous advanced degrees 15% previous advanced degrees
20% women 36% women

How do I find out more?
Both the MBA and MSx programs host admissions events online. The MBA program also conducts worldwide off-campus information sessions. To hear about upcoming events and other admissions related updates, sign up to stay in touch with MSx here, and stay in touch with MBA admissions here.

*Class of 2014
**Class of 2015


24 March 2014

Register for a Spring Quarter Campus Visit

Planning to apply to the Stanford MBA Program this fall? If you'd like to sit in on a class before the Round 1 deadline in October, now is the time. Because of our academic calendar, we typically aren't able to offer class visits in the fall prior to the Round 1 deadline in October.

For those applying for the Round 3 deadline (don't forget it's April 2!), spring is a great time to visit us if you've never been to campus before. Besides classes being in session, MBA students will be on hand for Q&A at info sessions and to lead campus tours. And the weather is unbeatable.

On-campus events include:

  • Information sessions: Get a detailed overview of the MBA Program and admission process, and ask your questions. Offered on Mondays and Fridays year-round. Advance registration is required.

  • Class Visits: Observe the Stanford GSB academic experience in real time. Offered Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays only when classes are in session. Advance registration is required.

  • Knight Management Center Tours: 30-minute tours led by an MBA student. Offered Mondays and Fridays when class visits are in session. No registration is required.

Out of fairness to all applicants, we do not give preferential treatment in the admission process to those who have visited the GSB. Throughout the summer and fall, the MBA Admissions Office also holds information sessions all over the world. Complete the Stay in Touch form and we'll contact you in the coming months with information about events in your area.


31 January 2014

General Stanley McChrystal Visits the GSB

The transition to civilian life for four-star General Stanley McChrystal has been a smooth one. Since retiring from the U.S. Army in 2010, the general launched the McChrystal Group, a leadership consultancy, and began teaching as a senior fellow at Yale's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. In his recent visit to the GSB as part of the View from the Top speaker series, McChrystal discussed the qualities of leadership and organizational behavior that were integral to his success both on the battlefield and in his transition to the private business world. His complete presentation can be seen here.

Dan Berschinski, MBA '15, who introduced the general, understands the nuances of professional transitions. After serving as an Army first lieutenant, he too is now adapting to the business world. Veterans, as well as students of all backgrounds, find the resources and support they need if they choose to shift career directions while at the GSB. Our Career Management Center (CMC) helps you chart your course and find the right opportunities at every step of your career, even as an alum.

Learn more about how you can work with CMC advisors to create a personalized career plan, develop your personal and professional skills, make strategic decisions, and achieve your goals. Veterans can learn more about eligibility for application fee waivers and our participation in the Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008, the Yellow Ribbon Program - a grant that is available to eligible military candidates.


10 January 2014

Round 2 Interview Timeline

The Stanford MBA Round 2 application deadline just passed (8 January), and we are hard at work preparing applications for review. If you submitted an application, we look forward to learning more about you. If not, we hope you'll apply in Round 3.

In Round 1, we piloted a new interview process. We compressed the interview timeline to 4 weeks, and notified applicants who were not admitted sooner. This pilot was in response to applicants' feedback that if the answer is a definite "no," you'd rather know earlier to save you from spending months obsessively refreshing your email and calculating your odds as well as to give you more time to work on applications for other schools. Since the pilot was successful in Round 1, we will continue with a similar timeline for Round 2. Interview invitations will be issued from 3 February through 4 March only. We will send no invitations before 3 February or after 4 March. We expect to issue the majority of invitations by 25 February.

Waiting is no fun, we know that. Our hope is that having some certainty around the timing of interviews will help make the period before notification day easier.


8 January 2014

Solving Environmental Problems Through Interdisciplinary Study

Addressing challenges in today's complex world often requires expertise in multiple academic disciplines. Around 20% of our MBA students are pursuing a joint or dual degree. One of these is the MS in Environment and Resources/MBA. This joint degree integrates knowledge from the MBA curriculum with a background in the science, engineering, and technology that underlie environmental problems.

At the end of the fall quarter, our MBA/MS students presented Capstone Projects that showcase interdisciplinary knowledge being applied to current issues. The Feigenbaum-Nii Foundation Prize is awarded each quarter to the student or group of students whose project demonstrates interdisciplinary excellence.

This quarter's MBA/MS Capstone Projects showed a broad range of exploration. Projects considered problems around the world from Brazil to Russia to the U.S. They also crossed sectors and industries addressing issues in policy, agriculture, hospitality, construction, and retail, to name a few. Over half of the nine projects presented solutions through entrepreneurial products or services developed by the students themselves.

Congratulations to Marc Manara MBA '13, Kerem Alper MBA '13, and Mark Wittman MBA '13, who were awarded the Feigenbaum-Nii Foundation Prize for their project! The team contrasted the carbon emission impact of their organic food delivery service, Kincao, with the potential environmental impact of running a brick and mortar alternative. The team concluded that their startup, which has delivered over 4000 meals since launching four months ago, saves tens of thousands of vehicle miles.

Professor Feigenbaum with MBA/MS in Environment and Resources students.Professor Feigenbaum with MS in Environment and Resources/MBA students.

The full list of capstone projects and participants is available online here.


17 December 2013

Visit Stanford GSB This Winter

On-campus events for 2013 are winding to a close, but registration for Winter Quarter on-campus events has just opened, including:

  • Information sessions: Offered on most Mondays and Fridays throughout the year when classes are in session.
  • Class Visits: Offered Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at various times, beginning 13 January 2014.
  • Knight Management Center Tours: 30-minute tours led by an MBA student. Offered Mondays and Fridays, beginning 13 January 2014.

While visiting Stanford GSB is a great way to get to know our program better, a campus visit is neither required nor expected. Out of fairness to all applicants, we do not give preferential treatment in the admission process to those who have visited the GSB.

Find out more about Admission events on our website. We look forward to meeting you soon!


11 December 2013

Happy Holidays from MBA Admissions

Today we admitted our first round of Class of 2016 MBA students, which is a busy and exciting time for us. This leads right into the holiday season, during which time Stanford University shuts down. While the MBA Admissions Office is closed 23 December-3 January, we know many of you applying in Round 2 plan to work on your application over the holiday break. If you have questions during our winter closure, please take a look at our website for the information you need; You can also submit questions via the Ask a Question form - we will be replying to messages on 30-31 December 2013, and 2-3 January 2014.

As a reminder, the deadline for applying in Round 2 is 8 January 2014, 5:00 PM PST. We look forward to reading your application in the new year!


21 November 2013

Even More Admissions Myths Debunked

We're wrapping up our Myth Busters series this week by shedding some light on reporting work experience on your application, our evaluation criteria, and the GMAT vs. GRE. For more myth-busting, read last week's post on letters of reference, or dust off the very first post in the series from two weeks ago.

MYTH: If I worked full-time during or before college, I can count those months as "full-time work experience."
THE TRUTH: We value all work experience, including jobs or military service you've had before graduating college. We ask that in the box for “months of full-time work experience," you include only the months of full-time work experience SINCE you graduated from your undergraduate university, calculating the number of months from your college graduation until September 1, 2014. This is simply for data reporting purposes. You'll see that statistic in our class profile so we want the data to be consistent across the entire applicant pool. It has NOTHING to do with how we evaluate applications. If you pursued a full-time career prior to graduating college, we would be eager to hear about your personal journey and the choices you've made.

Since the application form doesn't fit every person's situation, we ask that applicants who have worked full-time before graduating college report that in the Part-Time Employment section and indicate 40 hours in the "hours/week" box. We will connect the dots that you were working before or throughout college. Also, the resume we ask you to submit will show us your career path.

MYTH: If my application doesn't meet certain criteria, the admissions office won't even look at it.
THE TRUTH: We review each and every application to understand your background, aspirations, and potential. While scores and grades command attention in the blogosphere, each of you is more than a combination of statistics; we are building a community as well as a class. Real people are getting to know you through your application. This is not an automated process; it's a very human process that takes time and deliberation.

MYTH: Even though Stanford GSB accepts either the GMAT or GRE, it's better to submit GMAT scores.
THE TRUTH: Nope. We don't have a preference either way; and if we did, we'd tell you. Do what makes sense for you. For example, if you're applying to Stanford's joint MBA and MS in Computer Science, the Department of Computer Science requires the GRE. Or, if you're applying to other graduate programs that accept only the GRE, there's no reason to spend your time and money taking the GMAT, too, unless it's required by another MBA program that you are applying to. If you're applying to multiple MBA programs, some schools only accept the GMAT so just make sure you've done your research on which tests certain schools accept.

Thanks for reading! Continue learning about our application process by visiting our website. For advice and encouragement along the way, we also recommend having a look at these perspectives from the Assistant Dean for MBA Admissions.


11 November 2013

Recommendation Myths Debunked

This is the second of three posts in our Myth Busters series. Last week we kicked it off by upending misconceptions around interviews and campus visits. This time, we're focusing on Letters of Reference. For all the facts, we highly recommend visiting the Application Materials section of our website.

MYTH 1: If I work in a family business, am self-employed, or can't tell my boss that I'm applying, I will be at a disadvantage since I cannot get a recommendation from a current direct supervisor.
THE TRUTH: Rest assured that you are not the only applicant in this situation. You may not be disclosing to your employer that you are applying to business school. You may have started a new job recently, and your supervisor does not really know you that well. Perhaps you are self-employed, run your own company, or work in a family business where your direct supervisor is a relative (not a good choice for a recommendation!). If you're in one of these situations, you just need to be a little more creative in terms of where you get your recommendation. You could ask anyone who is in a position to evaluate your work: a previous supervisor, a client, or a member of your board of directors.

MYTH 2: It is okay to submit more than three recommendations. In fact, more is better!
THE TRUTH: We discourage you from sending additional letters. More is not better. In fact, it can have the opposite of the intended effect as it adds an additional burden to our staff who review literally thousands and thousands of pages over the application season. When we receive additional letters of reference either before or after the application deadline, we do add them to your application file, but there's no guarantee that they will be reviewed.

MYTH 3: It is better to get my recommendations from three different sources to highlight different aspects of my professional and personal background.
THE TRUTH: It's your decision how to present yourself in your application, what to highlight and what to focus on. And, this goes for your choice of recommenders as well. Some applicants get all their references from work; others choose a peer reference from outside of work. Some get all their references from their current employers; others include recent previous employers. There is no one right way. When choosing a recommender, our best advice is to (1) choose someone who knows you really well and can provide the detail, examples, and specifics that support his/her assertions; and (2) choose someone who is truly enthused to write a recommendation for you and will spend sufficient time writing a thoughtful letter.

MYTH 4: Recommendations must be written in English.
THE TRUTH: Recommendations must be submitted in English, but we do not expect the English to be perfect in recommendations written by non-native speakers. We focus on the content of the letter, not the writing style, so we will ignore syntax or grammar errors or awkward phrasing. However, if you and your recommenders think that their English is not sufficient to convey complex ideas, it may be to your advantage to have them write in their native language and then get it translated into English either by a friend or colleague of the recommender, or from a paid service. The translation does not need to be from a paid service unless that is the only option available to the recommender. The translation is the responsibility of the recommender; the translator cannot be the applicant or a friend or family member of the applicant. Your recommender would then upload both the original language and the English translation into the recommendation form, and must also supply us with the name and contact information of the translator in case we have additional follow-up questions.

MYTH 5: It's OK to provide a letter of recommendation from a professor as long as I did really well in the class.
THE TRUTH: We love professors - we are a school, after all - but faculty members typically are not the best choices for MBA recommendations. We find that they often ignore the questions we ask of recommenders, and instead, focus on how well you did in their classes (which we already know from your academic transcripts). If you are applying as a college senior and do not have much professional experience, there may be cases when a recommendation from a faculty member would be appropriate. For example, if you worked with a faculty member outside the classroom, perhaps as a teaching assistant or on an independent research opportunity, then that professor might be in a position to write a helpful recommendation. Still, you need to think carefully about whether that person can address the questions we ask in the recommendation form.

Thanks for reading! Check back next week for even more myth busting, or visit our website for myth-free admission process details.


8 November 2013

Video Profile of Student Veteran Dan Berschinski, MBA 2015

In honor of Veterans Day, recently profiled GSB student Dan Berschinski, MBA '15, a former Army first lieutenant who lost both legs in Afghanistan. The video and accompanying article describe Dan's journey from the battlefield to the classroom, where he is preparing himself to grow a business so that he can hire other disabled vets.

Amputee vet studying business of employing wounded troops
Dan Berschinski

Stanford University is committed to supporting student veterans. Application fee waivers for the MBA Program application are currently available to active duty U.S. military service members or U.S. military veterans who have been honorably discharged. Learn more about the military fee waiver on our website.


Let the Myth Busting Begin

It's that special time of year again. Halloween is just behind us, Round 1 applications are being reviewed, and the Round 2 deadline is coming up soon. It can all mean only one thing - time to debunk some common myths surrounding the admission process.

MYTH 1: The interview has a lot of weight so if I blow the interview, I have blown my chances of being admitted.
THE TRUTH: There is no specific weight assigned to the interview; the interview is one part of a comprehensive process. A positive interview does not guarantee admission, while a less than favorable interview does not, by itself, preclude admission. The written application, including the essays and letters of reference, is a critical part of the evaluation process. The interview is a key source of supplemental information.

MYTH 2: I received my interview invitation early in the round so it must mean I have a better chance of getting admitted.
THE TRUTH: The timing of your interview invitation reflects only the order in which your application was reviewed (and the order in which your application was reviewed doesn't mean anything, honest!). Applications are not reviewed in any particular order, and applicants are not ranked.

MYTH 3: Visiting campus before or after I've submitted my application is an important way to demonstrate my interest in Stanford and increase my chances of being admitted.
THE TRUTH: Visiting campus does not affect your chances of admission whatsoever. Think of it this way - we wouldn't want to bias the process towards only people with the proximity, time, or resources to visit. You may wish to visit if it's helpful to your research and decision-making process about schools. Of course, we always welcome visitors! But we also understand that for some of you that may not be feasible. If you have only one chance to visit, save your time and money and come after you've been admitted for Admit Weekend, where you'll meet students, alumni, faculty, and your future classmates.

Thanks for reading! Check back next week for more myth busting, or if you can't wait, you can learn more about our admission process on our website.


23 October 2013

What Will You Do With an MBA?

When Robyn Sue Fisher '07 came to the GSB, she already had a successful consulting career in biotech under her belt. But like many Stanford MBA students, Robyn decided to change her course in pursuit of a dream.

At the GSB, Robyn developed a business plan in her Startup Garage course. Today, she is the owner of Smitten, a San Francisco ice cream company that uses high-tech methods to make a very old-fashioned favorite. Learn more about Robyn, her ice cream, and her journey to entrepreneurial success in this short video.

Obviously, not all Stanford MBAs start their own ventures. To see how GSB alumni are impacting their corners of the world in very different ways, take a look at the article, 17 Stanford Business Students Who Are Going to Change the World.


9 October 2013

Stanford MBA Class of 2015 Profile

Looking at the Stanford MBA class profiles over the years, you may notice that the percentages always shift a bit here or there. With our small class size, even two students can, and do, create such variations. Since our candidate pool is ever changing, the numbers in the entering class change, too.

These fluctuations also speak to our admission process. We don't admit categories; we admit individuals. There are no quotas or targets in the Stanford admission process, and we assess each applicant based on her or his own merit. This is why we consider a class profile illustrative, rather than informative. In truth, there is no metric that can capture an individual's potential.

The MBA Class of 2015 is no exception. We welcomed 406 students this year, the largest class in the history of Stanford GSB. Not only are there more students in the class, but also greater diversity of experience and background. Here are some of the other shifts in the Class of 2015 profile:

  • The class comprises a record number of international and U.S. schools.

  • Representation of both women and U.S. minorities in the class increased.

  • Students joined the Stanford community directly from a record 300 organizations. More than 67% of students are the sole classmate joining Stanford directly from that organization.

  • As always, there was fluctuation in industry representation, with increases in biotech, consulting, and consumer-products sectors.

  • The number of humanities and sciences majors in the class jumped, while a handful fewer students studied business or engineering.

  • Average TOEFL and GMAT scores crept up slightly. The score ranges, however, stayed consistent.

  • Average years of pre-MBA work experience fell slightly from last year's decade-long high. The range of years of work experience also narrowed slightly.

Read the Class of 2015 Profile


3 October 2013

Round 1 Interview Timeline

The Stanford MBA Round 1 application deadline just passed (2 October), and we are hard at work preparing applications for review. If you submitted an application, congratulations! We look forward to learning more about you. If not, we hope you'll apply in Round 2 or 3.

No matter what your application status is, we thought you'd want to know that our interview process will be slightly different. We decided to compress the interview timeline. For Round 1, this means we will issue interview invitations from 28 October through 26 November only, rather than over the entire round. We will send no invitations before 28 October or after 26 November. We expect to issue the majority of invitations by 19 November. (We hope this prevents those of you who applied in Round 1 from obsessively refreshing your email for most of October.)

Although the final notification date for Round 1 remains 11 December, this compressed interview timeline will allow us to let you know on 26 November whether or not you still are being considered for admission. Some of you have told us that if the answer is a definite "no," you'd rather know earlier to give you more time to work on Round 2 applications for other schools. We heard you.

This new process is a pilot, so interview dates for Round 2 and 3 are not yet set. Our hope is that this compressed timeline helps ease your anxiety as you navigate the application process. As always, we'll keep you posted.


30 September 2013

Siebel Scholars Span Industries and Backgrounds

Second-year Stanford MBA students Benjamin Austin, Zoe Corneli, Brian Rose, Tom Sayer, and Colin Twomey were just named 2014 Siebel Scholars, demonstrating again the variety of GSB students' backgrounds and experiences.

Ben Austin is a passionate advocate for public sector reform to improve the effectiveness and transparency of government. Prior to business school, he served as an advisor to the Minister for Defense and Prime Minister of Australia and also spent three years working for McKinsey & Company.

Zoe Corneli spent her summer as a senior product manager intern at Amazon. For seven years prior to business school, she worked as a journalist in San Francisco. In 2009 she was named Outstanding Emerging Journalist by the northern California chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Brian Rose is a teaching assistant for the financial modeling course at Stanford GSB. This summer he worked at Viking Global, a New York public equity investment firm. Prior to that, he spent two years in private equity at Bain Capital and was an associate consultant at Bain & Company.

Tom Sayer is pursuing joint MBA/MA Education degrees at Stanford University. In his first year at the GSB, he helped found, which was selected to be a part of the Highland Capital Summer Program. Prior to business school, he worked as an intelligence officer in the British Army for six years, completing tours in Afghanistan and Libya.

Colin Twomey is an avid sports fan. Recently, he served as advisor for a sports-related startup and conducted an independent study on sports technology. Before business school, he spent two years with McKinsey & Company in Los Angeles and three years at in San Francisco.

Read more about the 2014 Siebel Scholars.


23 September 2013

Tales from the Road

Our admission officers have been on a whirlwind tour of the globe, meeting prospective applicants in over 120 cities, discussing the Stanford MBA Program, and answering lots of questions. They've also managed to snap some pics, tweet, and share a story or two along the way. Here are a few we thought you might enjoy.

Stanford GSB alumni speak to attendees at the Warsaw info session, hosted at the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Alumni panelists at the Warsaw info session

Our first-ever info session in Bucharest! Thanks to alums Dragos and Alexandra for helping get the word out.
Alums Dragos and Alexandra at the Bucharest info session

Christine H. greets visitors to our table at the EducationUSA Israel MBA Fair in Tel Aviv.
GSB table at the Tel Aviv MBA fair

The day after a Manhattan info session for women, The Tree, accompanied by Christine H., went out for a late night stroll in Times Square.
GSB table at the Tel Aviv MBA fair

From Sabah K.: At the Harare, Zimbabwe info session, the first person to ask a question said, "I thought someone was pulling a prank on me when I found out Stanford GSB was going to be here." This was followed by laughter and applause throughout the auditorium. It turned out to be a great session.

From Lizabeth C.: A special moment. Following an MBA fair on the east coast, I was approached by an attendee who watched our It Gets Better video. It had such meaning to him, in part because he felt like the people in it were putting into words the things he was feeling. He was able to share the video with others to help them understand what was going on for him. I'm so proud of the former students (both LGBT and Allies) who put it together and put it out in the world.

Our worldwide travel season is coming to a close, but there are a few sessions still left. Check our calendar for all upcoming on- and off-campus events.


16 September 2013

Register for Stanford GSB's First Free Online Course

You've probably read about the explosive growth in education technology, including online courses. Stanford GSB is excited by the opportunities these technologies present, and is utilizing them to enhance the Stanford MBA experience. The GSB also has developed its first MOOC (massive open online course), titled The Finance of Retirement and Pensions.

We invite you to register for this free, eight-week course, which begins 14 October 2013. Taught by Stanford GSB Professor of Finance and pension expert Joshua Rauh, the course focuses on the financial concepts behind sound retirement plan investment and pension fund management and how to be a more informed decision maker on your own personal portfolio.

While participating in this MOOC can't replace the experience of the full-time MBA Program, it will provide exposure to Stanford GSB faculty. Taking the course will not help or hinder your chances of being admitted to the MBA Program.

And of course, we will keep you posted on upcoming online offerings.

>> Registration Information


9 September 2013

Visit Stanford GSB This Fall

Want to visit the Knight Management Center and learn more about the Stanford MBA Program? Registration is now open for Fall Quarter On-Campus Events, which include:

  • Information sessions: Offered on most Mondays and Fridays throughout the year.
  • Class Visits: Offered Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at various times, beginning 7 October 2013.
  • Knight Management Center Tours: 30-minute tours led by an MBA student. Offered Mondays and Fridays, beginning 7 October 2013.

Find out more about these, and our other on-campus events, on our website.

While visiting Stanford GSB is a great way to get to know our program better, a campus visit is neither required nor expected. Out of fairness to all applicants, we do not give preferential treatment in the admission process to those who have visited the GSB.

We hope to see you on campus!