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1 - 10 of 13 results for: ANES

ANES 70Q: The Psychosocial and Economic Ramifications of Critical Illness

Preference to sophomores. The impact of critical illness on a patient and family members; difficulties involved in the decision making process for the patient, family, and healthcare professionals. Topics include: conventional views of death and dying, epidemiology of critical illness, grief, coping skills, cultural variations, euthanasia and withdrawal of care, palliative care and hospice, advanced directive and legal aspects of medical catastrophe, psychosocial dynamics of family meetings, and emotional ramifications of medical decisions.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 3 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

ANES 80Q: Researching Strange Things

Devising and implementing strong scientific research designs to better understand complex and mysterious phenomena. Parapsychology topics include remote viewing, telekinesis, precognition, telepathic communication, and other forms of extrasensory perception. History of parapsychology research, including how science has debunked popular claims of supernatural feats; therapeutic approaches still used today but often discredited (such as homeopathy and crystal healing), as well as commonly-supported but controversial techniques such as hypnosis, acupuncture, and naturopathy. Emphasis on distinguishing between scientific and pseudoscientific research methods and how to properly design experiments regardless of the subject matter. Course format includes lectures, discussion, group projects, and research experimentation.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 3 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

ANES 199: Undergraduate Research

Allows for qualified students to undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Angelotti, T. (PI) ; Angst, M. (PI) ; Barr, J. (PI) ; Bertaccini, E. (PI) ; Boltz, M. (PI) ; Brock-Utne, J. (PI) ; Brodsky, J. (PI) ; Butwick, A. (PI) ; Carroll, I. (PI) ; Carvalho, B. (PI) ; Chen, M. (PI) ; Chu, L. (PI) ; Clark, D. (PI) ; Clements, F. (PI) ; Cohen, S. (PI) ; Cornaby, T. (PI) ; Doufas, A. (PI) ; Drover, D. (PI) ; Feaster, W. (PI) ; Fischer, S. (PI) ; Foppiano, L. (PI) ; Furukawa, L. (PI) ; Gaba, D. (PI) ; Giffard, R. (PI) ; Golianu, B. (PI) ; Good, J. (PI) ; Hammer, G. (PI) ; Hanowell, L. (PI) ; Honkanen, A. (PI) ; Howard, S. (PI) ; Jackson, E. (PI) ; Jaffe, R. (PI) ; Kamra, K. (PI) ; Kanevsky, M. (PI) ; Krane, E. (PI) ; Kuan, C. (PI) ; Kulkarni, V. (PI) ; Lemmens, H. (PI) ; Leong, M. (PI) ; Lighthall, G. (PI) ; Lipman, S. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Macario, A. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Malott, K. (PI) ; Mariano, E. (PI) ; McGregor, D. (PI) ; Mihm, F. (PI) ; Mora-Mangano, C. (PI) ; Nekhendzy, V. (PI) ; Patterson, D. (PI) ; Pearl, R. (PI) ; Peltz, G. (PI) ; Pollard, J. (PI) ; Ramamoorthy, C. (PI) ; Ramamurthi, R. (PI) ; Ratner, E. (PI) ; Riley, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, M. (PI) ; Saidman, L. (PI) ; Sarnquist, F. (PI) ; Schmiesing, C. (PI) ; Shafer, A. (PI) ; Shafer, S. (PI) ; Singh, V. (PI) ; Tanaka, P. (PI) ; Trudell, J. (PI) ; Vokach-Brodsky, L. (PI) ; Williams, G. (PI) ; Wise-Faberowski, L. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Younger, J. (PI) ; van der Starre, P. (PI)

ANES 202: Anesthesiology and Pathophysiologic Implications for the Perioperative Patient

Provides participants a patient-care-related review of organ physiology and an in- depth discussion of the pathophysiologic mechanisms at work in the perioperative period that influence outcome in the surgical patient and their management. Organ systems addressed include cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, hematologic, and cerebral. Subject matter including airway management, ventilatory support, transfusion practices and the acute management of shock provides useful information for all students currently or in the future involved in acute care of the critically ill patient. Additional topics specific to anesthesia, including anesthetic pharmacology. Lecturers are Stanford anesthesia faculty and visiting guest faculty. Prerequisite: completion of first year curriculum is strongly encouraged.
Terms: Win | Units: 1 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades

ANES 205: Engage and Empower Me: Myths and Truths of Designing for Patient Behavior

Focus on patient stories and real-life experiences of successful patient engagement from industry leaders in healthcare, wellness and behavior sciences. Topics include the neuroscience behind motivating individuals into healthy behaviors, including patients in the care design process, how health educators, designers, techies and investors can improve success. Students enrolling for 2 units complete a class project.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 1-2 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

ANES 206: Design for Health: Applying Design Innovation to Improve Healthcare

Explores the crucial role design can play in optimizing healthcare. Focuses on principles of design-thinking and patient-centered design, and examines their impact on innovating solutions to healthcare problems. Goal is to understand how healthcare providers might better design for health. Includes presentations from patients and design experts.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Chu, L. (PI)

ANES 207: Medical Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of a comprehensive system of traditional Chinese Medicine developed over the past two millennia. This course reviews the history and theoretical basis of acupuncture for the treatment of various diseases as well as for the alleviation of pain. Issues related to the incorporation of acupuncture into the current health care system and the efficacy of acupuncture in treating various diseases are addressed. Includes practical, hands-on sections.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2 | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Golianu, B. (PI)

ANES 215: Journal Club for Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition Scholarly Concentration

Review of current literature in both basic and clinical neuroscience in a seminar format consisting of both faculty and student presentations.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Yeomans, D. (PI)

ANES 243: Introduction to Integrative Medicine (FAMMED 243)

Presentations by local, national, and international experts in various modalities of integrative medicine commonly used by patients in the US, including mind-body medicine (biofeedback, clinical hypnosis, meditation, yoga); traditional whole systems of medicine (traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda); biological therapies (botanical medicine, supplements, herbal medicine); manipulative therapies (chiropractic, massage); and acupuncture. Lectures focus on evidence supporting the potential value of various treatment modalities and explanations of both the traditional and proposed scientific mechanisms of actions. Most classes include an experiential portion.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 1 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades

ANES 280: Early Clinical Experience in Anesthesia

Provides an observational experience as determined by the instructor and student. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-2 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Angelotti, T. (PI) ; Angst, M. (PI) ; Barr, J. (PI) ; Bertaccini, E. (PI) ; Boltz, M. (PI) ; Brock-Utne, J. (PI) ; Brodsky, J. (PI) ; Butwick, A. (PI) ; Carroll, I. (PI) ; Carvalho, B. (PI) ; Chen, M. (PI) ; Chu, L. (PI) ; Clark, D. (PI) ; Clements, F. (PI) ; Cohen, S. (PI) ; Cornaby, T. (PI) ; Doufas, A. (PI) ; Drover, D. (PI) ; Feaster, W. (PI) ; Fischer, S. (PI) ; Foppiano, L. (PI) ; Furukawa, L. (PI) ; Gaba, D. (PI) ; Giffard, R. (PI) ; Golianu, B. (PI) ; Good, J. (PI) ; Hammer, G. (PI) ; Hanowell, L. (PI) ; Honkanen, A. (PI) ; Howard, S. (PI) ; Jackson, E. (PI) ; Jaffe, R. (PI) ; Kamra, K. (PI) ; Kanevsky, M. (PI) ; Krane, E. (PI) ; Kuan, C. (PI) ; Kulkarni, V. (PI) ; Lemmens, H. (PI) ; Leong, M. (PI) ; Lighthall, G. (PI) ; Lipman, S. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Macario, A. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Malott, K. (PI) ; Mariano, E. (PI) ; McGregor, D. (PI) ; Mihm, F. (PI) ; Mora-Mangano, C. (PI) ; Nekhendzy, V. (PI) ; Patterson, D. (PI) ; Pearl, R. (PI) ; Peltz, G. (PI) ; Pollard, J. (PI) ; Ramamoorthy, C. (PI) ; Ramamurthi, R. (PI) ; Ratner, E. (PI) ; Riley, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, M. (PI) ; Saidman, L. (PI) ; Sarnquist, F. (PI) ; Schmiesing, C. (PI) ; Shafer, A. (PI) ; Shafer, S. (PI) ; Singh, V. (PI) ; Tanaka, P. (PI) ; Trudell, J. (PI) ; Vokach-Brodsky, L. (PI) ; Williams, G. (PI) ; Wise-Faberowski, L. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Younger, J. (PI) ; van der Starre, P. (PI)
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