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261 - 270 of 309 results for: PWR

PWR 2JPA: Writing & Rhetoric 2: How We Got Schooled: The Rhetoric of Literacy and Education

Prerequisite:  PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See  http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Peterson, J. (PI)

PWR 2KDA: Writing & Rhetoric 2: DJ's, Django and Drones: Mashups and Popular Culture

Rhetorical and contextual analysis of readings; research; and argument. Focus is on development of a substantive research-based argument using multiple sources. Individual conferences with instructor. See https://undergrad.stanford.edu/programs/pwr/courses/pwr-2.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: DiPirro, K. (PI)

PWR 2KEB: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Sports Appeal: Packaging and Promoting Stanford Athletics

Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

PWR 2KEC: Writing & Rhetoric 2: It's About Time: Seizing Opportunity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Performance

Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

PWR 2KMA: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Natural Enemies: The Rhetoric of Invasion Biology

Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. Study of the use of metaphors and argument in the context of invasion biology and species conservation, especially the effects those metaphors and claims have on practice and policy outcomes. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

PWR 2KSA: Writing & Rhetoric 2: The Rhetoric of Childhood and Children's Culture

Rhetorical and contextual analysis of readings; research; and argument. Focus is on development of a substantive research-based argument using multiple sources. Individual conferences with instructor. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

PWR 2KSB: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Design Thinking: Bringing d.thinking to Research, Writing & Presentation

Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Savelson, K. (PI)

PWR 2KTA: Writing & Rhetoric 2: A Rebel With A Cause: The Rhetoric of Giving a Damn

Prerequisite:  PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See  http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Tarr, K. (PI)

PWR 2MFA: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Searching for San Jose: Urban Studies Audio Walking Tours

Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)

PWR 2MFB: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Sustainability: Making an Impact with Research and Rhetoric

Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. See http://www.stanford.edu/dept/undergrad/cgi-bin/drupal_ual/AP_univ_req_PWR_Courses.html.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: Writing 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
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