William H. Neukom Building

Project Description

This project involves the construction of a new building for the Law School that will provide academic space for faculty, fellows, and researchers; it will also include space for law clinics and faculty offices. The facility will be located at the corner of Nathan Abbott Lane and Lane A, on the site of the existing Kresge Auditorium (which will be demolished), adjacent to Crown Quadrangle. A series of connective element projects will be designed to create synergy between the proposed new building and the existing buildings and campus.

The new building will include faculty offices, Law School clinics, administrative support, seminar rooms and support spaces on three floors. There will be an exterior courtyard on the second floor.

The decision was made to limit the new building to three stories with floor elevations corresponding to the existing Crown Quadrangle building. This was done to align the parapet of the new building with the existing Crown Quadrangle, to create a visually unified Law School campus, and to increase interaction among the faculty by limiting their distribution to two floors.

Interior spaces will be configured to optimize programmatic adjacencies and efficiently accommodate the building program. The rotunda is positioned at the hinge of the axis linking the Law School and Munger Residences to define a prominent focal point and primary entry to the Law School. Seminar rooms, clinics, and support staff areas are located on the ground floor to provide easy access for visitors. The second and third floors are organized around the faculty courtyard, which is similar in size to Crocker Garden, and contain the faculty offices and the Dean’s office suite. Conference rooms and open meeting areas will be distributed to foster both formal and informal interaction among the faculty.

Project Data

Department/School Law School
Architect Ennead Architects (formerly known as Polshek Partnership)
Contractor Dome Construction
Gross Square Feet 61,000
Construction Schedule Summer 2009 - Spring 2011
Project Manager Susan Rozakis
Project Website N/A


More Information

  • Sustainability: Learn how the project is achieving LEED-Gold equivalency.
  • Awards: Society of Registered Architects (SARA) Design Excellence Award, ACEC Engineering Excellence Award

Current Activity

Current Work Complete
Safety Reminders N/A
Notes For additional information on this project, contact the project manager, Susan Rozakis.