Lorry I. Lokey Stem Cell Research Building - Stanford Institutes of Medicine

Project Description

The Lorry I. Lokey Stem Cell Research Building - Stanford Institutes of Medicine building is 200,000 gross square feet (GSF), sited south of the CCSR building along Campus Drive, with a basement vivarium and three (3) above grade floors of research labs and support facilities. This building will be connected to other adjacent research facilities (RAF, CCSR, and Beckman) via a tunnel. Numerous research core facilities in addition to the vivarium are being planned. The cores include imaging, proteomics/Genomics suite, tissue bank, and stem cell FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorter) suite.

The entry plaza sits at the intersection of the Medical Center Promenade and the School of Medicine Academic Walk. The entry plaza and the garden on the southwest corner break down the scale and length of the building in order to minimize the impact on Campus Drive. The face of the building on Campus Drive is set back 50’ behind the natural landscape buffer of redwood and oak trees, and understory groundcover planting typical of Campus Drive. The east/west orientation of the building allows the labs and offices to be located on the north and south faces of the building to maximize natural light and to encourage natural ventilation. Service will be accommodated through the regional loading dock/tunnel system as well as through the RAF service area.

For more information, visit our website at http://lokey.stanford.edu/.

Project Data

Department/School School of Medicine (SoM)
Architect ZGF
Contractor Whiting-Turner
Gross Square Feet 200,000
Construction Schedule Summer 2008 - Summer 2010
Project Manager Stephen Pond
Project Website http://lokey.stanford.edu/


Current Activity

Current Work



Safety Reminders


Notes For additional information on this project contact the project manager, Stephen Pond (650) 723-0785.