Works on Paper by David Gilhooly Complement Ceramics Show

"Food, Frogs, and Fido: Works on Paper by David Gilhooly"

August 10–November 27, 2005

Stanford, California — David Gilhooly, who is best known as a ceramic artist, is also a prolific printmaker and draftsman. The Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University presents Food, Frogs, and Fido: Works on Paper by David Gilhooly August 10–November 27, 2005. This exhibition, which illustrates Gilhooly's humor and artistic versatility, complements a major display of ceramic sculpture in three other Cantor Arts Center spaces.

In 1997, Gilhooly made a generous donation to the Cantor Arts Center of more than 70 of his prints, drawings, and illustrated books dating from 1964 to the late 1990s. Food, Frogs, and Fido includes lithographs, etchings, aquatints, electric engravings, monoprints, monotypes, and collage, all selected from the works Gilhooly gave to the Cantor Arts Center.

Gilhooly studied at the University of California at Davis in the 1960s, and ceramic work by him will be on view in the exhibition "Fired at Davis: Figurative Ceramic Sculpture by Robert Arneson, Visiting Professors, and Students at UC-Davis, from the Paula and Ross Turk Collection," October 12, 2005 to February 26, 2006.

The exhibition Food, Frogs, and Fido is made possible by support from the Lynn Krywick Gibbons Gallery Exhibitions Fund. Associated programs include a ceramics studio class for children; call 650-725-3155 for information.