
Members of the working press may gain access to our collection of high-resolution photographs by agreeing to our usage terms and filling out the following form. Upon submission, you will be contacted by a member of the Cantor Arts Center public relations staff who will give you a password to the download area.

Contact information (* = required)
  First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Publication(s) *

Questions or Comments

Usage agreement I agree to use images only to publicize the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University and its associated exhibitions, collections, events, or programs. Text will be printed with the image (caption or associated story) to provide artist name, Cantor Arts Center credit, and other relevant information. If an art image is cropped, the caption will indicate "detail." I agree to restrictions indicated for individual works as specified in the Photo File. I also agree to send the Cantor Arts Center PR Manager a tear sheet or notice of publication of any images from this Photo File.