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Stanford vanpool subsidy policy

The policy for subsidizing Stanford University vanpools was intended to provide assistance to vanpools when the vanpool experiences a temporary empty seat. Under the previous policy, vanpools could request funding for one empty seat for up to three months per year. Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) is revising this policy to provide support across-the-board for all vanpools on a monthly basis in lieu of providing an empty-seat subsidy.

Effective April 1, 2014, each official Stanford vanpool* will receive a $300 per month subsidy to be paid by P&TS. This subsidy is intended to defray the cost of the van, subsidize gas expenses, subsidize empty seats, encourage the creation of a reserve fund to cover temporary periods of empty seat(s), or defray other operating costs of the van.

The vanpool subsidy policy is in addition to existing P&TS benefits for vanpools, which include all of the following:

* To be considered an official Stanford vanpool, a vanpool must comprise at least 50 percent Stanford University employees, students, or Stanford Hospital employees who meet Commute Club eligibility requirements. If the vanpool does not meet this requirement, the vanpool will not be eligible for a free Stanford vanpool permit and other official vanpool benefits. Stanford passengers in the vanpool, however, may apply for Commute Club and Clean Air Cash provided they meet all eligibility requirements.