Parking & Transportation Services
Special eUpdate
February 11, 2015


You are receiving this Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) eUpdate as a member of the Stanford community. We believe the content of this message will be of interest to you as a parking permit holder and/or user of alternative transportation. We also want to share information with you to help Stanford meet certain transportation-related goals in the General Use Permit1 and SUMC Project:Renewal and to help create a more sustainable Stanford.

Visit our website at for more information.


Expect major parking impacts and traffic delays throughout campus on Feb. 13

Selected campus parking and roads will close for the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection

On Friday, Feb. 13, the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection will impact parking and traffic on and around campus.

Access may be restricted to Galvez Street south of Campus Drive as early as Thursday afternoon. On Friday, Feb. 13, access will be closed all day to Galvez Street south of Campus Drive East and Serra Street between Galvez Street and Campus Drive East.

In addition, access to Oak Road will be limited. Commuters should expect partial closures of Parking Structure 5 and the Stock Farm Lot (L-18) all day. Alternative parking locations for west campus commuters include the Searsville Lot (L-22) and the Hoover Garage (Parking Structure 9).

Commuters are encouraged to avoid the impacted areas and to anticipate heavy parking demand and potential traffic delays throughout campus. Marguerite riders should anticipate temporary stop and route changes on Lines C, SLAC, X and Y and potential delays on most Marguerite routes. (Refer to "Marguerite shuttle delays and stop closures" later in this article.)

Commuters and visitors, consider alternatives to driving alone, including a bicycle, transit, or carpool commute. Request a do-it-yourself or custom alternative commute plan for assistance identifying trip options for your commute or visit to campus.

Parking closures

The following will be closed to permit parking all day on Feb. 13. Refer to the Feb. 13 parking closure map for central campus impacts.


The following are parking alternatives that will be open to permit holders on Feb. 13.


Refer to the Parking and Circulation Map (PDF) for all parking locations and designations.

Marguerite shuttle delays and stop closures

Due to increased traffic, Marguerite riders should anticipate delays to most campus Marguerite Shuttle routes. The following lines will be rerouted all day:

Time points for all stops not affected by these reroutes are expected to remain as indicated on the posted schedules.

For Marguerite shuttle questions, send an email to For parking information, send an email to


1 It is important for Parking & Transportation Services to communicate parking and alternative-transportation information to the campus. Under the 2000 General Use Permit (campus growth plan approved by Santa Clara County), the campus has a goal of "no net new peak-hour commute trips" over the life of the permit and must accommodate campus growth with a limited number of new parking spaces. Failure to achieve this goal will result in the university being faced with costly mitigation measures.


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