Parking & Transportation Services
Special eUpdate
October 2012 edition


You are receiving this Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) eUpdate as a member of the Stanford community. We believe the content of this message will be of interest to you as a parking permit holder and/or user of alternative transportation. We also want to share information with you to help Stanford meet certain transportation-related goals in the General Use Permit1 and SUMC Project:Renewal, and to help create a more sustainable Stanford.

Visit our website at for more information.


1) Anticipate detours due to PG&E work along Junipero Serra Boulevard
Lane closure expected in the coming weeks; PG&E to announce dates

2) Participate in the 2012 Fall promotion to enter drawings for $3,500 or $1,500 grand prizes
Join the Commute Club or pledge part-time to be rewarded

3) Reminder: On Oct. 31, west campus commuters can expect increased parking demand
Free assisted parking and new Marguerite Line MC Direct services are being offered

4) Did you forget to renew your Commute Club membership?
Memberships must be renewed every year beginning in September

5) Receive $40 in free driving credit with Zipcar's Students With Drive promotion
This promotion ends Nov. 15

1) Anticipate detours due to PG&E work along Junipero Serra Boulevard

Lane closure expected in the coming weeks; PG&E to announce dates

PG&E is replacing a gas pipeline, sections of which run along Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park and Junipero Serra Boulevard. In the coming weeks, PG&E will announce the dates when the project will close portions of Junipero Serra Boulevard between Page Mill Road and Alpine Road and redirect motorists and bicyclists to alternative routes.

Please observe signs and detours. Information about this project was published in Stanford Report’s article "PG&E pipeline replacement work begins." Questions should be directed to PG&E at 888.743.7431 or 800.743.5000.


2) Participate in the 2012 Fall promotion to enter drawings for $3,500 or $1,500 grand prizes

Join the Commute Club or pledge part-time to be rewarded

Is it time for a better commute? This fall, discover the rewards of a sustainable commute.

We would be glad to help you explore your alternative commute options. Request a free transit and/or bicycle commute plan with our do-it-yourself or custom commute planning service. You also could find a Stanford affiliate with whom to carpool or vanpool through our free ridematching services.

Visit our 2012 Fall Promotion page for more information and to participate! If you have questions or comments, please send an email to or call 650.723.9362.


3) Reminder: On Oct. 31, west campus commuters can expect increased parking demand

Free assisted parking and new Marguerite Line MC Direct services are being offered

On Oct. 31, hundreds of 'A' permit commuters who currently park in Parking Structure 4 (PS-4) on Pasteur Drive will begin parking in other west campus structures and lots near the Medical Center, including Parking Structure 1 (PS-1) at Campus Drive and Roth Way. The temporary shift in parking is expected to last over the next nine months as Stanford Hospital & Clinics builds its new facilities

To accommodate the increased parking demand, the following services are being provided:

Free assisted parking (beginning Oct. 22)

Expanded Marguerite shuttle service

The new Line MCD (MC Direct) (PDF) now travels every 10 minutes between PS-5 and the Hospital Fountain via Lot 18 (L-18) from 4:20 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:55 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Please view parking alternatives in the Parking Structure 4 notice and map (PDF). We encourage commuters to take this opportunity to consider alternative transportation options and incentives in addition to alternative parking locations.

Questions? For Stanford Hospital parking transition information, send an email to For parking, Marguerite shuttle, and alternative transportation information, contact us at 650.723.9362 or


4) Did you forget to renew your Commute Club membership?

Memberships must be renewed every year beginning in September

If you didn't apply for the Commute Club beginning in September 2012 and are still eligible, apply now to renew your Commute Club membership for the 2012-13 academic year. Commute Club memberships expire on August 31 and do not automatically renew, so you need to submit a new application for each new academic year. To check your membership status, visit My Commute Club.

The most convenient way to apply is to enroll online, where you will be able to apply for November 2012 through August 2013. If you were eligible in September and/or October of this year, send an email to the Commute Club to request that those months be added to your membership. Please note that only months within the current academic year may be added retroactively to your Commute Club membership.

You have the following options to apply:

  1. Enroll online
  2. Fax: 650.724.8676 or email your scanned application
  3. In person or by mail: 340 Bonair Siding (Mail Code 7255), Stanford, CA 94305-7255

Application forms are available at the following links:

For more information, call 650.723.9362 or send an email to


5) Receive $40 in free driving credit with Zipcar's Students With Drive promotion

This promotion ends Nov. 15

Would you like some free driving time? Stanford affiliates who sign up for a Zipcar account for $25 and enter promotion code STUDENTSWITHDRIVE on the application, will get $40 in free driving credit* to use for the first month.

Zipcar is car sharing, an alternative to renting or owning a car, and is available to Stanford faculty, staff, and students 18 and older, including those with an international driver’s license. There are 52 Zipcars at Stanford, including two new Audi A3s: one at Olmsted Road/Wellesley Street and the other at Escondido Road/Arguello Mall. Rates start at $7 per hour, including gas and insurance

If you have questions or comments about Zipcar at Stanford, please contact us at

* Offer applies to students, faculty, and staff and expires 11/15/2012. Credit will be issued in two installments ($35 + $5) upon membership approval.


1 It is important for Parking & Transportation Services to communicate parking and alternative-transportation information to the campus. Under the 2000 General Use Permit (campus growth plan approved by Santa Clara County), the campus has a goal of "no net new peak-hour commute trips" over the life of the permit and must accommodate campus growth with a limited number of new parking spaces. Failure to achieve this goal will result in the university being faced with costly mitigation measures.


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