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The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Research fellowships for international PhD-students

Jun 11 2015

The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards 

Research fellowships for international PhD students 

for a research stay in Mainz from January 2016 or later. 


The IEG awards fellowships for international junior researchers in history, theology and other historical subjects. The IEG promotes research on the historical foundations of Europe from the early modern period to the 20th century, particularly regarding their religious, political and social dimensions. Projects dealing with European communication and transfer processes as well as projects focusing on questions related to theology, church history and intellectual history are particularly welcome. 

What we offer 

Funding is currently € 1200/month. Research fellows live and work for at least 6 months and up to 12 months at the Institute in Mainz and can pursue their individual PhD project. They are also invited to collaborate with the academic staff of the IEG, according to their particular fields of interest ( The IEG special library and the wider academic infrastructure of Mainz are available for their research. 


Applications are invited from doctoral candidates of any national background. Applicants must have a first degree in history, theology or another historical subject. They should not have pursued their PhD project for more than three years when taking up the fellowship. PhD theses continue to be supervised and are completed under the auspices of the fellows' home universities. Fellows are obliged to register officially in Mainz and to reside and take part in events at the Institute. They should have a sufficient command of German in order to participate in discussions at the Institute. Fellows are not permitted to undertake paid work while receiving the IEG scholarship. 

The deadline for applications is August 1st 2015. 

Please send your application via e-mail ( to:  Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Directors | Professor Irene Dingel and Professor Johannes Paulmann, Subject: Stipendienbewerbung 

Please attach (as one file) the application form and:

a. Curriculum vitae and (if applicable) a list of publications (PDF) 

b. brief description of the PhD thesis (5 pages, up to 1500 words) (PDF) 

c. structure of the PhD thesis, detailed working plan and schedule for the intended stay at the Institute (PDF) 


The primary academic advisor emails an up-to-date reference directly to the IEG by the application deadline ( 

The reference should discuss (please avoid a general letter of recommendation): 

- the applicant’s academic qualifications 

- subject matter, goal and current state of the PhD project 

- a synopsis of work to be done in Mainz along with possible time and work schedules 


Please ensure that your attachment is no larger than 4 MB, and that the attachments are summarized in one PDF file. 

Contact: Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) | Fellowship Programme Alte Universitätsstraße 19 | 55116 Mainz – Germany 

E-Mail: | Tel. 0049 (0)6131 – 39 39365