John J. Donohue III

John J. J Donohue III

John J. Donohue III

  • C. Wendell and Edith M. Carlsmith Professor of Law
  • Room N217, Neukom Building


  • Criminal Law
  • Drug Policy
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Law & Economics
  • Policing & Gun Policy
  • Policy Analysis
  • Public Policy & Empirical Studies
  • Punishment & Death Penalty
  • Race & the Criminal Justice System
  • Torts

Professor John Donohue III on Guns and Crime

Students in Classroom

Policy Practicum: Law and Economics of the Death Penalty

This is the practicum component of the Law and Economics of the Death Penalty Seminar. See Law and Economics of the Death Penalty Seminar (Law 397) for a detailed course description. Students who take the practicum component must attend the 9 seminar class meetings and do all reading and writing assignments of the seminar except that instead of writing a final paper of their choosing they will focus on actual policy or litigation work that will be arranged with various death penalty abolition groups.

view practicum


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