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SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Researchers working at SLAC have discovered that a mere 9-trillionths-of-a-meter reduction in the length of a chemical bond dramatically boosts the reactivity of a family of molecules that helps keep humans and many other organisms healthy. This is expected to help scientists design and manufacture new and more effective medicines.
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A newly upgraded high-power laser at SLAC  will blaze new trails across many fields of science by recreating the universe’s most extreme conditions, such as those at the heart of stars and planets, in a lab.
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Scientists are asking questions in a new and fast-developing field called neutrino astronomy, says JoAnne Hewett, director of Elementary Particle Physics at SLAC. “When I was a graduate student I never thought we’d be thinking about neutrino astronomy,” she says. “Now not only are we thinking about it, we’re already doing it. At some point it will be a standard technique.” - from Symmetry
A new breed of experiments seeks sources of cosmic rays and other astrophysics phenomena.
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SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source has allowed scientists to make new types of X-ray measurements that were once thought unattainable by delivering one trillion X-ray photons ­– particles of X-ray light – in incredibly short bursts of less than 30 femtoseconds, or millionths of a billionth of a second. Now we have used this capability to make a “molecular movie” of a molecule undergoing a chemical reaction from start to finish, with frames just a few femtoseconds long. We assembled the movie by taking individual X-ray snapshots of the molecules that show the positions of their atoms at each moment in time.
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Watch tonight’s public lecture – Molecular Movies – via the live stream at 7:30 p.m.
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“Space Warps is also a great platform to figure out how to get citizen scientists involved in future large-scale astronomical surveys,” says Phil Marshall, Space Warps principle investigator for KIPAC, a joint institute of SLAC and Stanford University. The LSST, for instance, will begin in the early 2020s to capture images of the entire southern night sky in unprecedented detail. In the process, it’ll generate about 6 million gigabytes of data per year. Researchers hope that the public can help with processing these gigantic streams of information. - from Symmetry
Amateurs and professionals share the credit in the newest publications from the Space Warps project.
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Tickets are gone for Tuesday’s public lecture – Molecular Movies – but you can still join us via the live online stream.
Since it began operation in 2009, SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) has allowed scientists to make new types of X-ray measurements that were once thought unattainable by delivering one trillion X-ray photons – particles of X-ray light – in incredibly short bursts of less than 30 femtoseconds, or millionths of a billionth of a second. We promised that this astonishing quantity of photons, delivered in such a small slice of time, could capt...
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SIMES research challenges the conventional wisdom in lithium-ion battery design, pointing the way toward storage devices with more power, greater capacity, and faster charge and discharge capabilities.
Teaching and research come together when a PhD student guides an undergraduate through two years of tests that confound two decades of assumptions on lithium-ion battery design.
OldAA Bill's profile photoАндрей Рогачёв's profile photoGilton LEDS's profile photo
The advantage to lithium-ion batteries is weight, not watt density. Lead acid batteries have a high watt density for the weight and are less likely to catch on fire. In the 1960s I worked with NiCd aircraft batteries. We also had lead acid batteries for high cranking torque needs. Newer Boeing aircraft have had many issues with electrical fires caused by newer technology batteries. Fires in lap top computers have been a problem because of batteries. Lightweight, high watt density, quick discharge, quick recharge, low cost, and with longevity (hybrid car batteries are only good for 100,000 miles, and that is if they aren't auxiliary charged, and cost $6,000 for a new replacement!). I'm glad to see young people studying to solve these problems.
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Tom Abel, head of SLAC’s particle astrophysics and cosmology directorate and director of KIPAC, will discuss the universe’s earliest objects at an upcoming California Academy of Science lecture on November 9. He will use the latest computer animations and visualizations to explore early star formation, supernovae explosions and the buildup of the first galaxies.
Tom Abel, Director, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University
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Learn how SLAC has demonstrated a new, efficient way to accelerate positrons, the antimatter opposites of electrons. The method may help boost the energy and shrink the size of future linear particle colliders – powerful accelerators that could be used to unravel the properties of nature’s fundamental building blocks.
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Feng Lin, a former postdoctoral researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been selected to receive the annual William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award for X-ray experiments at SLAC  that led to new approaches in the design of energy-efficient, color-changing “smart" windows and high-capacity lithium-ion batteries.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science laboratory operated by Stanford University.
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Of all known fundamental particles, neutrinos may be the most mysterious: Although they are highly abundant in the universe and were discovered experimentally in 1956, researchers still know surprisingly little about them. To find out more about the elusive particles and their potential links to cosmic evolution, invisible dark matter and matter’s dominance over antimatter in the universe, SLAC is taking on key roles in four neutrino experiments: EXO, DUNE, MicroBooNE and ICARUS.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science laboratory operated by Stanford University.
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SLAC researchers and facilities explore the frontier questions of science.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is one of the 10 Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratories and is operated by Stanford University on behalf of the DOE. Since its opening in 1962, SLAC has been helping create the future. We've built the world’s longest particle accelerator, discovered fundamental building blocks of matter and lead countless experiments to test and explore the physical nature of the universe.

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2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, California 94025-7015