SIDEARM Sports Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
SIDEARM Sports (together with its parent company, its subsidiaries and its affiliates, the “SIDEARM Entities”) owns, operates, or provides access to, several interactive web sites and other interactive features that provide an authorized link to SIDEARM’s Privacy Policy (collectively, our “Web Sites”). This Privacy Policy, effective November __, 2014, describes the privacy practices for our Web Sites and other applications (collectively referred to as the “SIDEARM Services”) and to any services that display this notice.
Our Web Sites may contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those websites.

When you interact with SIDEARM Services, we collect: (1) personal information you supply when you subscribe, order, complete a form or survey, register for one of our Web Sites, enter a contest or provide your email address and (2) non-personal information transmitted through technology, including tracking information, which is also collected by third parties.

Personal Information That You Supply

Registration Information
Registration for SIDEARM Services may require that you supply certain personal information, including a unique email address and demographic information (e.g., ZIP code, age, sex, household income, job industry and job title) to register.

Billing and Credit Card Information
To enable payment via the SIDEARM Services, we collect and store name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card information and other billing information. Excluding credit card information, this information may be shared with third parties or used for marketing purposes. Credit card information will only be shared with third parties who help to complete the purchase transaction (e.g., those who help fulfill orders and process credit card payments).
User Generated Content and Public Activities (Including Comments)
We offer you the opportunity to engage in public activities on our Web Sites and other SIDEARM Services. “Public activities” include any actions you take on our Web Sites that are designed to be visible to other users, including comments or any other items that you submit. Any information you disclose in your public activities, along with your screen name or ID, or any image or photo, becomes public and may be used by SIDEARM Sports for online and offline promotional or commercial uses in any and all media. If you choose to engage in public activities, you should be aware that any personal information you submit can be read, collected and used by other users. We are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in the course of your public activities and we have no responsibility to publish, take down, remove or edit any of your public activities or submissions.
If you have registered for an account on one of our Web Sites, we will track and aggregate your public activities on that Web Site. By choosing to participate in public activities, you are electing to share and display such public activities via our Web Sites. Furthermore, public activities may be included in RSS feeds, APIs and made available to other websites via other formats. As a result, your public activities may appear on other websites, blogs, or feeds. Be aware that we are not responsible for any personal information you choose to make public via your public activities, and you agree that any such sharing will be deemed to have been done by you, not by SIDEARM Sports.
When you share (with or without adding your own comments) any of our Web Sites’ articles or content on a social media platform, that action is governed by such social media platform’s privacy policy. We do not record those comments. For example, when you share content from our Web Sites on your Facebook profile, that action is governed by the Facebook Privacy Policy.
We have engaged with a third party service called AddThis to provide us information, reports and analysis about users’ engagement with our content. All data collected by AddThis on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how AddThis collects data, please read their privacy policy at
Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions
SIDEARM Entities may collect personal information from you when you participate in sweepstakes, contests or special promotions. If this information is also being collected by a third party other than SIDEARM Sports, we will notify you at the same time. If you do not want any personal information shared, you should not participate in the sweepstakes, contest or promotion.
Reader Surveys, Reader Panels and Market Research
SIDEARM Sports may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys conducted via the SIDEARM Services. Data may be collected through the SIDEARM Services, on the phone or through the mail. The information you provide may be shared, but only in the aggregate, with advertisers and partners unless we notify you otherwise at the time of collection.
Non-Personal Information Collected Using Technology

Information We Collect Using Technology
We use various Internet technologies to manage and track use of the SIDEARM Services. Non-personal information that we collect using these technologies may be combined with other information about you.
Device Information. We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile device or other device you use to access the SIDEARM Services, such as IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language and other transactional information.
Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other Similar Technologies. We use “cookies,” Web beacons, HTML5 local storage and other similar technologies. These technologies allow us to manage access to and use of the SIDEARM Services, recognize you and provide personalization, and help us to understand how users engaged with the SIDEARM Services. You will not be able to access certain areas of our Web Sites, if your computer does not accept cookies from us. We do not respond to browser-based “do not track” signals.
The SIDEARM Services may transmit non-personally identifiable website usage information about our visitors to a reputable third party in order to show you advertising for or on behalf of SIDEARM Sports when you visit other sites.
Analytics Technologies. We have engaged with a third party service called Google Analytics to provide us information, reports and analysis about the usage, browsing patterns of users of the SIDEARM Services. Google Analytics tracks and analyzes non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers on our Web Sites. All data collected by Google Analytics on our behalf is owned and used by us. For more information about how Google Analytics collects data, please read their privacy policy at
IP Addresses. We may log your IP address (the location of your computer or device on the Internet). We use IP addresses for system administration and troubleshooting purposes, to customize content for specific regions (including currency display, recommendations and serving certain advertisements) and to track access and use of the SIDEARM Services.
Log Files and Your Browsing History. We automatically log certain usage information about your use of SIDEARM Services, including a browsing history of the pages you view.
Location Information. Some of our mobile applications can deliver content based on your current location if you choose to enable that feature of the app. If you enable the location-based feature, your current location will be stored locally on your device, which will then be used by the app. If you elect to have a location-based search saved to your history, we will store that information on our servers. If you do not enable the location-based service, or if an app does not have that feature, the app will not transmit to us, and we will not collect or store, location information.
Ads may be displayed within our apps. The ads you see may be targeted to you based on your current GPS location, proximity of your device to an active beacon or low-energy blue-tooth transmitter, your device’s IP address or ZIP code and user provided location information such as seat location. Some mobile applications promoted through the SIDEARM Services may be links to Third-party services, such services shall be governed by their privacy policy.
Information Collected by Third Parties
Some of the services and advertisements included in the SIDEARM Services, including on our Web Sites and within our mobile apps, are delivered or served by third-party companies. These companies may place or recognize cookies, Web beacons or other technology to track certain non-personal information about our website users. For example, in the course of serving certain advertisements, an advertiser may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser in order to collect certain information about your use of the SIDEARM Services. In many cases, this information could be used to show you ads on other websites based on your interests.
We do not have access to, nor control over, advertisers’ or service providers’ use of cookies or other tracking technologies or how they may be used.
Your access to our Web Sites should not be affected if you do not accept cookies served by third parties. Some of the ad servers and ad networks may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative, which offers a single location to opt out of ad targeting from member companies. If you opt out of receiving targeted ads from ad servers and ad networks on our Web Sites, you will continue to receive advertising and promotional messages, but they will not be customized or personalized to you based on your use of our Web Sites and/or third party websites. If you would like more information about advertisers’ use of tracking technologies and your option to not accept these cookies, you can go to If you would like to learn more about how interest-based information is collected, whether the companies we use are part of an industry network regarding behavioral advertising or about your choices regarding the use of your information, you can go to
Provide the Services You Request
We use the information we gather about you to enable your use of the SIDEARM Services, fulfill your requests for certain products and services, such as sending out electronic newsletters and enabling you to participate in and renew paid services, polls, contests, and message boards.
Statistical Analysis
We perform statistical, demographic and marketing analyses of users of the SIDEARM Services, and their subscribing and purchasing patterns, for product development purposes and to generally inform advertisers about the nature of our subscriber base. We use this information for analysis purposes, including analysis to improve customer relationships.
Customize Your Experience
We use the information that we collect to allow advertising to be targeted to the users for whom such advertising is most pertinent. We also use this information to customize certain features of the SIDEARM Services to provide you with an enhanced experience based on the type of device you are using to access the SIDEARM Services, and in certain cases, provide you with requested services.
Relevant Advertising
We may use demographic and preference information to allow advertising on the SIDEARM Services to be targeted to the users for whom they are most pertinent. This means users see advertising that is most likely to interest them, and advertisers send their messages to people who are most likely to be receptive, improving both the viewer’s experience and the effectiveness of the ads. We disclose information to third parties only in aggregate or de-identified form.
Email Newsletters
SIDEARM Sports will periodically send you email newsletters or promotional email about services offered by SIDEARM Sports and its advertisers. For details about SIDEARM Sports email, please see the section labeled “Our Email Policy?”
Within SIDEARM Sports
If you have registered to use the SIDEARM Services, we will not sell, rent, swap or authorize any third party to use your email address or any information that personally identifies you without your permission.
We also share information about our audience in aggregate or de-identified form. Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to restrict our use of aggregated or de-identified information in any way.
In the future, we may sell, buy, merge or partner with other companies or businesses. In such transactions, we may include your information among the transferred assets.
We partner with hundreds of colleges, universities and high schools across North America. We may share your information with those partners.

Service Providers
We contract with other companies to provide services on our behalf, including credit-card and billing processing, ad serving, shipping, email distribution, list processing and analytics or promotions management. We provide these companies only with the information they need to perform their services. These service providers are restricted from using this data in any way other than to provide services for SIDEARM Sports, and they may not share, resell or use the data for their own direct marketing purposes.
We reserve the right to disclose your opt-out information to third parties so they can suppress your name from future solicitations, in accordance with applicable laws. We may occasionally release personal information as required by law, for example, to comply with a court order or subpoena. (See the “Compliance With Legal Process” section of this Privacy Policy.)
SIDEARM Sports complies with the federal CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. We will not send you marketing messages if you have opted out. We will not share, sell, rent, swap or authorize any third party to use your email address for commercial purposes without your permission. If you feel you have received an email from us in error, please contact us at
Account and Service-Related Email. SIDEARM Sports reserves the right to send you email relating to your account status. This includes order confirmations, renewal/expiration notices, notices of credit-card problems, other transactional emails and notifications about major changes to the SIDEARM Services and/or to our Privacy Policy. If you have registered for online discussions or other services, you may receive email specific to your participation in those activities.

Email Newsletters. SIDEARM offers several email newsletters. If you no longer wish to receive a specific newsletter, follow the “unsubscribe” instructions located near the bottom of each newsletter.
Promotional Email. We may periodically email you messages about products and services that we think may be of interest to you. You can choose not to receive messages in the future by following the “unsubscribe” instructions located near the bottom of each email.
Survey Email. We may send you an email inviting you to participate in user surveys, asking for feedback on our Web Sites and existing or prospective products and services, as well as information to better understand our users. User surveys greatly help us to improve the SIDEARM Services, and any information we obtain in such surveys will not be shared with third parties, except in aggregate form.
HTML Email. When you sign up to receive email from us, you can select either plain text or HTML (with images) format. If you select the HTML format, we may place a one-pixel gif to determine whether or not readers viewed the email. This process does not leave any information on your computer, nor does it collect information from your computer. We may share this data with others in aggregate only.
Emails From You. If you send us emails, you should be aware that information disclosed in emails may not be secure or encrypted and thus may be available to others. We suggest that you exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal or confidential information in emails. We will use your email address to respond directly to your questions or comments.
Email This Article Feature. Those who browse our websites may use this feature to email links to articles (or other content such as slideshows). The email addresses that you supply to this service are saved for your convenience for future articles you may wish to email; these addresses are not used for any other purpose, and will not be shared with any third parties.
You may review and update your subscription or account information at any time.
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place commercially reasonable physical, technical and administrative controls to protect the information. Keep in mind, however, that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure.

Compliance With Legal Process
We may disclose personal information if we are required to do so by law or we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) comply with the law or with legal process; (2) protect and defend our rights and property; (3) protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the SIDEARM Services; or (4) protect the personal safety or property of our users or the public (among other things, this means that if you provide false information or attempt to pose as someone else, information about you may be disclosed as part of any investigation into your actions).
Children’s Guidelines
COPPA Compliance. Except for Kids Club Registrations or similar alternatives, including, but not limited to, camps, SIDEARM Sports does not knowingly collect or store any personal information about children under the age of 13.
Kids Club Registrations or Similar Alternatives. Some of our partner schools offer children under the age of 13 the opportunity to join “kids clubs” or similar alternatives. Registration for these clubs requires that we obtain certain personal information about participants. We do not collect personally identifiable information on our Web Sites from children under the age of 13 without prior parental consent. We do not ask children to disclose more information than is necessary for them to participate in a particular activity, and we take steps to prevent children from disclosing more information than is necessary to participate in those activities.
For children under the age of 13, parents will initially provide certain personal information about or for their child; we will not collect it from the child directly. If a child under age 13 then participates in any ongoing activity that requires the collection, retention, and use of personal information in addition to what has already been provided or authorized by the parent, we will also ask for a parent’s e-mail address so that we can notify the parent that we have received personal information from their child and seek consent to retain this information. We do not knowingly collect names and e-mail addresses or other personally identifying information from children under age 13 for these types of activities without notifying the parent via e-mail and giving the parent the option to remove their child’s e-mail address from the applicable database for that activity.
These children’s guidelines have been developed with the recognition that Internet technology evolves rapidly and that underlying business models are still not established. Accordingly, guidelines are subject to change. In the unlikely event of such changes they will be posted on this page. If the changes represent a material departure from our current practice with respect to the use of children’s personal information, the changes will be posted on this page thirty (30) days prior to taking effect and will not affect children’s personal information previously collected.
Your California Privacy Rights
Under the California “Shine The Light” law, California residents may opt-out of SIDEARM’s disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. As detailed above, you may choose to opt-out of the sharing of your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes at any time by submitting a request in writing to SIDEARM Sports, 335 Hinds Hall, Syracuse NY 13244 or by emailing us at It is important to note that this opt-out does not prohibit disclosures made for non-marketing purposes.
Changes to This Policy
This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page. If we make a significant or material change in the way we use your personal information, the change will be posted on this page thirty (30) days prior to taking effect and registered users will be notified via email.