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Stanford publications

Several sources of information about Stanford in general and graduate student life in particular will prove helpful if you know about them and consult them. Most of the publications below are on the Web; some are in print, too, but the Web will be more current and will offer links to other related sites of interest.

Stanford Bulletin: Aero/Astro

Aero/Astro's section of the Stanford Bulletin. (See next link for the full Bulletin.)

Stanford Bulletin: All Departments

Department-by-department listings of programs, courses and degree requirements as well as university policies on academic life, degree requirements, etc. Published in mid-September on the Web and in book form (one free copy with student ID at the Registrar's Office). Before September, many departments put a draft Bulletin on their Web pages. Please note, though, that faculty do add, move and cancel courses during the year — even "official" isn't final!

Time schedule

Lists days/time and location as well as instructor, units, etc. for the quarter's courses. Published just before each quarter begins, on the Web and at the Registrar's Office. Earlier drafts may be on department Web pages. For each course, check the "footnotes" for preregistration requirements, class lists to sign, grading limitations, etc. Information is more up-to-date than the Bulletin, but still subject to change. The Web version is updated nightly with room/time changes, etc. Go to Axess to sign up for classes.

About Computing At Stanford

Guide to campus computing systems, facilities and support resources.

Graduate Student Handbook

University policies, requirements and resources for Stanford graduate students in all schools, departments and programs. Updated frequently.

Research Policy Handbook

Policies on research assistantships, academic freedom, shared authorship, patents, etc.

Stanford Safety and Security Almanac

Information on "survival," safety and security at Stanford.

Stanford Directory

Available mid-November, one free copy per student. Student, faculty, staff and department phone listings, plus information about student groups, Stanford facilities and coupons for local businesses. (Directory info for students, faculty and staff is also available online at StanfordWho)

Stanford Daily

Student newspaper published weekdays (except exams and vacations). Available at many locations around campus.

Career guidance and development

Stanford has abundant resources to help graduate and undergraduate students in their lifelong career development.

BEAM, Stanford Career Education

Career counseling, job listings, resource library, on-campus recruiting, workshops. BEAM is at 563 Salvatierra Walk; the phone number is (650) 723-3963.

Jobs Database

Additional jobs are added as BEAM receives new information.

Aero/Astro Career Guide

A guide specifically created by BEAM for Aero/Astro students with an emphasis on career planning and job searching.

Other Stanford resources

Stanford provides a wide range of professional staff and facilities. Students should look for and take advantage of these campus resources. For example:

Bechtel International Center
584 Capistrano Way

Special orientation programs and other support services for international students; serves as a place for cultural exchange; liaison with U.S. Departments of Labor, Justice (U.S. Immigration Service) and State. Visa status questions, requests for renewals, practical training approvals, etc. are all handled by the I-Center.

Vaden Student Health Service
866 Campus Drive
(650) 723-4841

Medical, counseling and psychological services and education; student health insurance. Most services are free to registered Stanford students year-round, and available to spouses and domestic partners on a fee basis. A nurse is available during office hours to answer routine medical questions in person or by phone, and advice for urgent conditions is provided 24 hours a day by an on-call physician. Health promotion information is also available, and CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) provides individual, couples and group psychological counseling.

Crisis Counseling (24 Hours)
at Vaden Health Center
(650) 723-3785

A counseling and psychological services clinician is on call for urgent situations at any time, including evenings and weekends. In an emergency, a clinician will speak with you within 20 minutes. In an urgent situation, a clinician will see you the same day. In either case, the on-call clinician will assess your situation. Later, you will be offered a regular appointment with this or another clinician. (You may also use this number for help if you believe a friend or neighbor is in crisis.)

Office of Accessible Education
563 Salvatierra Walk
(650) 723-1066

Provides information, referrals and services for students with physical and learning disabilities. A variety of services are available for students with long-term disabilities or illnesses, as well as those with short-term disabling conditions. The OAE staff (professionals and students) are committed to providing support and services that remove the barriers to full participation in the life of the university. Students should contact the OAE for further information and/or as the first step in a disability-related request for accommodations, auxiliary aids or other services related to their education or life at Stanford.

School of Engineering
Office of Student Affairs

Huang Engineering Center, Room 135

Provides a variety of services to Engineering students; often indirectly via support to the departments within the school, but sometimes more directly (e.g., administering and publishing Engineering course reviews). Sally Gressens, assistant dean, is responsible for graduate policy and financial aid; Noe Lozano, associate dean, directs the school's diversity programs; and the senior associate dean for student affairs is Brad Osgood (professor, Electrical Engineering). In addition to their primary responsibilities, these people are available to graduate students for advice and counsel in case of academic problems with a department, or for a non-departmental view of a difficult issue in your academic life.

Center for Teaching and Learning
110 Sweet Hall

TA development, oral communication training; teaching resources for CA's, TA's and faculty.


The activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are of great importance to the department.

NASA Ames Research Center

NASA's Ames Research Center is one of 10 NASA field centers. It is in Mountain View, California, about seven miles from the Stanford campus.

Today at NASA

News updates from NASA.