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12.3.1 General Global Personnel Policies

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Management has the responsibility to assure that any University-affiliated operation adheres to laws and regulations in each country.

University managers should request the services of legal counsel through the Office of General Counsel (OGC) to provide advice on general business and employment-related matters. The OGC will provide resources for competent legal advisors in each country. Global HR Programs is available to consult on employment related matters. Business and financial resources are available through Global Business Services.

12.2.8 Miscellaneous Authorized Absences

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In addition to Vacations, Sick Leave and Paid Holidays, Stanford employees or employees of affiliates may be eligible for paid absences in compliance with regulations in the country of work.

12.2.7 Sick Time

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Stanford or its affiliated entities will establish a sick leave policy in each country in compliance with that country’s laws. Country-by-country policies will be maintained and communicated by Global HR Programs, in conjunction with University Benefits and disability providers. Stanford employees paid through Stanford’s US payroll will accrue and request sick leave in accordance with regular staff policies.

12.1.2 Anti-Bribery

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Members of the Stanford community are required to act with honesty and integrity and comply with applicable laws at all times when transacting University business. This guide memo clarifies that all forms of bribery and corruption are absolutely prohibited, provides guidance regarding what constitutes bribery and corruption, and requires reporting of actual or suspected incidents of bribery and corruption.


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