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10.3.1 Sick Time for Student Hourly Employees

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This Guide Memo summarizes paid sick time accrual and usage policies for Stanford student hourly employees.

2.1.22 Sick Time for Temporary and Casual Staff Employees

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This Guide Memo describes paid sick time accrual and usage policies for temporary and casual staff employees.

7.7.1 Medical Examinations

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This Guide Memo serves as an overview of Stanford's medical evaluation procedures.

3.1.5 Retention of Financial Records

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This Guide Memo covers time requirements for retaining financial records and security requirements for disposing of old records.

7.4.1 Health and Safety Training and Communication

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This Guide Memo describes supervisory duties mandated by California Senate Bill 198, the Occupational Injury and Illness Prevention Act. These responsibilities for health and safety training and communication apply to all supervisors, both faculty and staff, and to all workplaces, including laboratories, classrooms, shops, and offices.

2.1.5 Compensation of Staff Employees

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This Guide Memo outlines Stanford University's compensation policies.

2.1.3 Personnel Files and Data

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The University maintains personnel information for each employee in order to have a complete, accurate and current record of the employee's salary and job history at the University. This guide memo sets forth policies and procedures to facilitate the establishment, use and maintenance of personnel data, in whatever form maintained.

2.1.4 Hiring Employees from Stanford Health Care or its Predecessor Companies

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This policy sets out the applicability of University employment policies and eligibility for University benefits in situations where an SHC employee becomes a University employee.

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