AI Salon

AI Salon

The AI salon is a semi-monthly gathering of the Stanford AI lab to discuss questions that go beyond the day-to-day research in AI. It is held in the style of 18th century French enlightenment-era salons, with no electronics, no whiteboard presentations, and an hourglass to keep time. The goal is to bring everyone together twice a month to contemplate the future of a fast-moving field. Past topics have included the ethics of autonomous driving, the role of theory in robotics, and intelligence augmentation. (Unless it is otherwise noted, AI Salon is only for current AI Lab members and their invited guests.)

03/21/2014 Has IBM’s Watson driven forward research or was it primarily an engineering accomplishment?
04/11/2014 Are we overfitting to single-query datasets? (Gabor Angeli & Olga Russakovsky)
04/25/2014 Artificial Intelligence & Intelligence Augmentation (John Markoff & Arun Chaganty)
05/16/2014 Is interaction with the physical world necessary to acquire intelligence? (David Held & Oussama Khatib)
05/30/2014 AI & Neuroscience (Michelle Green & Ben Poole)
06/13/2014 AI in Movies (Andrej Karpathy & Vivek Srikumar)
09/26/2014 Machine Learning vs. Statistics (Will Fithian & Percy Liang)
10/10/2014 What should theory look like to be useful for robotics? (Leslie Kaelbling & Arun Chaganty)
10/17/2014 Phonemes and parts of speech: Are categories and symbolic structures a fundamental fact of language or fantasy of linguists? (Chris Manning & Andrew Ng)
11/07/2014 The Language of Food (Dan Jurafsky)
11/21/2014 The Ethics of Autonomous Driving (Silvio Savarese & Christian Gerdes)
12/05/2014 The End of Determinism (Stefano Ermon & Alex Ratner)
01/23/2015 Using neuroscience to build an AI (Jeff Hawkins and Surya Ganguli)
02/06/2015 The Turing Test (Will Hamilton and Fei-Fei Li)
02/20/2015 Robotics in the Air and Space (Mykel Kochenderfer & Marco Pavone)
03/06/2015 Robotics in the Air: Part II (Mykel Kochenderfer)
03/20/2015 AI100 Initiative and the Future of AI (Eric Horvitz)
04/07/2015 Dangers of AI (attendance by invitation only) (Elon Musk)
04/17/2015 Horizontal vs. Vertical Progress in AI (Matt Ginsberg & Jacob Steinhardt)
04/24/2015 Our Filtered Lives (Grace Muzny & Timnit Gebru)
05/08/2015 The History of AI (Ed Feigenbaum & Angel Chang)
05/15/2015 The Future of Human Labor (Michael Webb & Tudor Achim)
10/02/2015 AI’s Role in Human Disconnection (Timnit Gebru & Serena Yeung)
10/16/2015 Trust in AI Techniques/Algorithms (Maneesh Agarwala)
10/30/2015 TBD (Nils Nilsson)
11/06/2015 TBD (Sham Kakade)
11/13/2015 AI and Health Care (David Sontag)
12/04/2015 AI Present and Future (Jerry Kaplan & John Markoff)