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Faculty Leaders

Stephen Palumbi

P '06, '10, director of the Hopkins Marine Station, the Harold A. Miller Professor in Marine Sciences, the Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor of Marine Sciences and senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Stephen Palumbi, P '05, '09, is the director of the Hopkins Marine Station, the Harold A. Miller Professor in Marine Sciences, the Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor of Marine Sciences and senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment. He teaches and researches evolution and marine biology at Stanford University. His interests range from the evolution and genetics of sea urchins, whales and corals to the influences of climate change on ocean species. Current conservation work centers on the genetics of marine reserves designed for conservation and fisheries enhancement, with projects in the Philippines, Bahamas and western U.S. coast.

He has received numerous awards for research and conservation, including a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation, and he has written several books for non-scientists, including The Death and Life of Monterey Bay: A Story of Revival. His newest book, co-authored with his son Tony Palumbi, ‘06, and published in March 2014, is The Extreme Life of the Sea.


--Benchley Award for Excellence in Science (2011)

--Jane & Marshall Steel Jr. Chair of Biology (2009)

--Harold A. Miller Professorship in Marine Sciences (2007)

--California Academy of Sciences, Fellows

--California Academy of Sciences, Elected Membership

--Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation (1996) 

The Stanford Book Salon [Seriously Unstuffy]

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Books Stephen Hosted

  • The Extreme Life of the Sea