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To help Stanford Merchants and the University community understand PCI policies and processes, the PCI Compliance Services team within Administrative Systems launched a new PCI Security and Awareness Training course and published a PCI compliance website.  

As part of the university’s initiative to modernize business reporting on campus, the ReportMart1 reporting system was retired on July 31, 2014.  

In an era of identity theft and cyber crime, information security is one of the most pressing issues facing higher education institutions today. Learn what AS is doing behind the scenes to fortify and strengthen Stanford’s administrative application infrastructure.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) and AS collaborated in 2013 to integrate SLAC's payroll function into the central university payroll system.

There’s one thing that all Stanford’s administrative applications have in common, and that's Registry data. Meet the team behind the Registry.

Ordering IT equipment and related services on campus got a lot easier in late 2013. That’s when IT Services (ITS) and AS rolled out a new IT ordering, fulfillment, and billing system.
