2015 Election Season

View the 2015 elections results here!

2014 Election Season

View the 2014 elections results here!

Special Note

There have been issues raised regarding the validity of the ballot, specifically as it relates to the SAFE Reform proposal, with many claiming voter fraud. The Elections Commission has determined that no such fraud has occurred, and we offer the following response to outline this decision.

The most important note is that there are years of precedent to backup the process that was used in creating the ballot website. It has always been the case that the sponsor of any given initiative or special fees group, or the candidates themselves in the case of elected offices, are allowed to submit their own statements to support their issue or candidacy. The logic there is that each issue on the ballot is subject to strict requirements before getting there - campaigning for student signatures, or being approved by the legislative bodies (as is the case for SAFE Reform and many Special Fee requests).

The candidate and sponsor statements on the ballot are then taken directly from the petitions website, by migrating the entire database from the server on which the petitions website is housed, directly to the server on which the ballot is housed. Additionally, as is stated on both the petitions website and at the top right of the ballot, the statements are not reviewed or verified by the Elections Commission.

All statements were made public on the voter guide in the weeks leading up to the election, and no attempts were made to contact the Elections Commission to provide rebuttal. It is important to note that any student or student group, with the necessary support outlined in the ASSU governing documents, had the right to propose an opposing initiative or constitutional amendment.

-The Elections Commission

Stay informed!

Sign up here for our mailing lists to stay up to date with us this election cycle. Candidates, this will be especially useful for you.

Petitions live!

Visit ASSU Voter Guide and fill out the declaration of intent for your special fee group (and begin petitioning, if applicable). Now is the time to start! All Declarations and Petitions are due on March 9th at 11:59 PM. View it online http://petitions.stanford.edu.

ASSU Candidates Information

Click here to view information for ASSU Candidates.

Special Fees Workshop is now up

Click here for more information.

Office Hours

Have questions? Come to any of the below office hours.

Upcoming events

Interested in running for office? Come to one of the elections commission Info Session for Candidates and Slates on February 4 or February 5 at 8pm in Old Union, Room 215.

Stay updated: join our e-mail lists

The Elections Commission runs two e-mail lists: assu-elections and specialfees. We often post important updates to those lists, and encourage you to join them if you are interested. See the Stay Updated page for more information.

All Stanford students have the right, at any time, to submit petitions for initative, referendum, and recall. For more information, please contact the Elections Commission.

About the Elections Commission

The ASSU Elections Commission is an independent body of the ASSU that

Elections matter to every Stanford student because they're your chance to choose how we spend millions of dollars and pick the future leaders of the student body. The Elections Commission ensures that every student has a fair and free opportunity to vote on the issues that matter to them.