- About -
The Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students (BASES) is at the heart of student entrepreneurship at Stanford University. As one of the premiere student-run entrepreneurship organizations in the world, BASES promotes entrepreneurship education at Stanford University in order to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs. We work with exceptional students, prominent professors, and thought leaders to unite the worlds of innovation, academia and industry. Our programs include the BASES $100k Startup Challenge, Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders' Seminar, Startup Career Fair, Women in Entrepreneurship Summit, and Social Impact Week.
- Programs -
BASES programs fall under three main categories - Inspire, Create, and Launch. We are the main vehicle for student-led entrepreneurship programming on Stanford’s campus, with the goal of bringing students from ideas to implementation to the launch of a startup. Through events with thought leaders and industry partners, we hope to inspire any student, with or without previous experience, to gain the skills to become an entrepreneur.


Entrepreneurial Thought Leader (ETL) Lecture Series
Lessons in Life
External Relations
BASES Startup Career Fair
Startup Lunches
VC-Startup Mixer
Social Impact
Social Impact Kickoff Panel
Social E-mmersion Course
Tackling Today’s Troubles
Social Impact Fair (Haas Fair)
Social Impact Case Competition
CNECT Platform


Hacking Hours
Startup Collab
Coding Bootcamp


BASES Challenge

BASES Challenge is Stanford’s oldest and most competitive annual entrepreneurship competition. Students and alumni enter their business or social venture ideas to compete for $100,000 in prize money and developmental opportunities. The application process begins with an electronic written application and culminates in two rounds of live judging.