SSRP-AMGEN Scholars Program

The SSRP-Amgen Scholars Program is a fully-funded research-intensive residential program that takes place on Stanford’s beautiful campus for a nine-week period. Participants are matched with a member of Stanford’s distinguished faculty and work in one of our state-of-the-art research facilities. Each participant works with both a faculty member and a lab mentor to craft a research project. The lab environment provides challenging projects and involves a broad range of research techniques that are feasible within the nine-week period. The program culminates with a research symposium, where students present individual talks and posters on their summer projects in front of their peers, faculty, lab mentors, University administrators, and general public.

In addition to research, our program also provides:

  • GRE Test Preparation Course
  • Professional development workshops
  • Expansion of students’ knowledge in various scientific fields through faculty lectures and journal clubs
  • Guidance in the process of applying to PhD programs
  • Personalized assistance with graduate school personal statements, CV’s, and presentation skills
  • Summer housing, meals, and travel to and from Stanford
  • $3,600 stipend
  • Social outings to local destinations, such as the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and San Francisco

This program is intended for students pursuing PhD programs.

Please browse and download our brochure (PDF)