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Travel Awards

The Bio-X Travel Awards Program gives graduate students the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills, to travel and network with like-minded peers, and to learn new ideas that could potentially and positively affect their research.

About the Travel Awards Program

Bio-X provides a $500 travel subsidy for graduate students giving oral presentations at scientific conferences. (Graduate students who have been accepted to present a poster or attend a conference but not to deliver an oral presentation are not eligible for the award.)

To be eligible for the award, applicants must be graduate students and Bio-X affiliates conducting interdisciplinary research. Applicants must be accepted to give an oral presentation at a scientific meeting. Students may apply for the travel subsidy once every calendar year and must submit award applications prior to attending the meeting.

To date, Bio-X has provided travel awards to over 290 students since the program began in 2006.

Travel Awardees Patrick Ye, Stephen Fried, Dara Strauss-Albee, Drew Klein, and Chen Gu


Applications are available here and should be submitted electronically to A copy of the conference schedule confirming the talk title and presentation date must be submitted with the application.

MEET OUR TRAVEL AWARDEES View the 2014 Travel Awards brochure