Bipolar Disorders Clinic

Bipolar Disorders Clinic

About the clinic

***Presentations from the 10th Annual Mood Disorders Education Day have been posted under Publications***

The Bipolar Disorders Clinic is part of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. We offer on-going clinical treatment, manage clinical trials and neuroimaging studies, lecture and teach seminar courses at Stanford University and train residents in the School of Medicine.

Clinic Chief
Terence A. Ketter, M.D. is internationally known for his groundbreaking research on the neurobiology of mood disorders. More »

The Bipolar Disorders Clinic is also part of the Stanford Mood Disorders Clinic. Please see the Mood Disorders Clinic Brochure to learn about the clinic's vision and exceptional doctors and researchers, who specialize in the understanding and treatment mood disorders.



This web site and its contents are designed for informational purposes only and must not be substituted for professional care.


Make a Donation

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To make a tax-deductible donation to support our research and/or education efforts please contact Deborah Stinchfield in the Stanford Office of Medical Development at 650-725-1073 or via email at

Thank you for your consideration.


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