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photography, Weekend hashtag Project, whptexture, texture, landscape, hair, paint, instagram,

Weekend Hashtag Project: #WHPtexture

Weekend Hashtag Project is a series featuring designated themes and hashtags chosen by Instagram’s Community Team. For a chance to be featured on the Instagram blog, follow @instagram and look for a post announcing the weekend’s project every Friday.

This weekend’s prompt was #WHPtexture, which asked participants to capture creative photos that feature prominent textures. Every Monday we feature some of our favorite submissions from the project, but be sure to check out the rest here.


anders dunning, andxrs, denmark, copenhagen, teen photographer, young photographer, hellomynameis, instagram, photography,

Finding Bright Spots in Little Cafés, by @andxrs

For more quiet moments from Anders’ daily life in Denmark, follow @andxrs on Instagram.

“#hellomynameis Anders Dunning (@andxrs), and I’m 14 years old. I live with my mom, dad and brother in a house not very far away from Copenhagen, in Denmark. I get the feeling that some people think that everyone who is active on Instagram is outgoing and extroverted, but that’s not the case with me. I can be very, very shy. Sometimes I’m so shy that I can’t get myself to speak to the barista if I’m at a café. Sharing my work has definitely helped me overcome this shyness a little bit.

Photography is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. My mom and dad would buy me these single-use cameras, and I would basically run around the house and garden, constantly taking pictures of every little thing I would find interesting.

I love all types of photography, but I think café pictures would be my favorite if I had to choose. I love going to cafés and drinking coffee with my friends or family.

Bright pictures make me happy. I don’t know why. The Danish weather can be very bright during the summer, so that’s also one of the main reasons my pictures are so bright. I hope that people get a ‘happy vibe’ from me. I’ve always been a person who has hated negativity, so I want my followers to feel positivity from my posts.”


photography, art, abstract, collage, gringo, latin america, instagram abroad, jayelle hudson, user feature, instagram, Brazil, sao paulo,

Capturing Saudade with @jayellehudson

For more from Jayelle, follow @jayellehudson on Instagram. For more Brazil stories, check out @instagrambrasil.

When she takes pictures, Jayelle Hudson (@jayellehudson) is focused on her control over an image, but in her abstract drawings she lets go. “I closed my eyes and decided to scribble,” explains the 31-year-old artist, photographer and entrepreneur. “I love the endless possibilities.” Having grown up in Washington state, Jayelle moved to São Paulo, Brazil, seven years ago. “I felt very much like an alien,” she recalls of her first months settling in and adapting to Brazilian language and culture. “Saudade,” the Brazilian word for missing something, is what Jayelle feels for her home in the Pacific Northwest. “It’s apparent in a lot of my collage work through choice of color, earth-toned moldy old paper and deep dark blues. In my photography, I find myself looking for moments that make me feel home, like foggy forests and cloudy beach days.”


soko, sokothecat, french music, i thought i was an alien, my dreams dictate my reality, singer songwriter, deepcuts, instagram, instagram music,

Honestly Weird: The Blank Canvas of SoKo

To see more of SoKo’s photos, check out @sokothecat on Instagram. For more music stories, head to Instagram @music.

When SoKo (@sokothecat) looks in the mirror, she sees a canvas. Last week, she bleached her eyebrows because she thought she looked “too normal” and “that was annoying.” A couple of days ago, she dyed them pink. Tomorrow? Not even she can be sure.

“I just want to be weird all the time,” she says. “It’s not even that I try to look different, it’s just that I like things that a lot of people don’t like. I embrace it fully. I love wearing pink eyebrows right now. I have a weird pajama shirt on and a weird hat, and it’s fun. Why not?”

This is the modus operandi of the French musician, songwriter, director, actress and all-around creative. From her look to her music, collaborations and starring roles, SoKo strives to imbue the work with a bit of that fierce individualism, a bit of herself.

“Everything I do needs to feel very true, otherwise I really don’t see the point,” she says. “I feel like I’m just wasting my time.”

Her ever-changing exterior is a reflection of the circuitry inside. On the phone, she’s girlish and manic. She describes her world as spontaneous and chaotic. She doesn’t have a home because she’s always on the go. Her precious possessions — thrift store clothes, flea market furniture and dirt-cheap vintage home décor — are safe in an expansive storage unit in the Los Angeles sprawl.

When recording a song, the room becomes an obstacle course of wires and machines. Her imagination is explosive, but beneath the superficial lawlessness lurks a distinct sense of order.

“I’m a little bit OCD with everything,” she says. “It’s always a mess, and it’s always out all over wherever I’m staying, but it’s always done in a way that I know exactly where this pedal is, and I know exactly what setting it’s on, and the amp is always on. I always know what’s going on, and it’s very particular to my weird brain.”

That “weird brain” was given room to roam free on her most recent LP My Dreams Dictate My Reality.

“I’ve always had really intense, weird dreams, and I’ve always been very sure of what I want to do,” she says. “I know what makes me feel good and that’s what I’m after — period. And that’s the same with my record. I just wanted to make a record that feels a little bit more upbeat and uplifting, that I can have more fun with on stage.”

As a follow-up to 2012’s debut I Thought I Was an Alien, it’s much more effervescent and structured.

“Before I was scared of pop,” she says. “My first record barely had any choruses, and it’s actually really fun. I think I grew up with this record.”

As with anything she touches, the record brings something more than meets the eye. Beside the ‘80s-inspired synth lines are excavating lyrics that dig up the pieces of a complex soul. Where her first album aimed at the affections of others, her latest takes a closer target.

“[Before] I was writing in a way that was just like ‘I’m a beautiful romantic person writing you a song and maybe you will love me,’” she says, laughing. “On this record I was more like, ‘F— this. I’m going to write what’s in my head. I don’t care what’s in yours. I’m just going to do my own thing and look in my past, see what was going on in my childhood. What made me so weird? What made me scared of death? And what makes me have fear of abandonment?’ All of these things were resurfacing while I was writing, and I’m like, ‘This needs to go down on the record. I need to go deep with that, make sure I sum it up and wrap my head around it so I can move on.’”

That ability to be honest inside and out is what makes SoKo so appealing. If she were anybody else, she might be everybody else, but she’s not, and that’s exciting.

“If my songs were not true, to have to go on stage and sing them every night, I’d feel like a liar,” she says. “I’ve always spoken from a very personal point of view and things that were always very raw and vulnerable, and I don’t know how to write anything else.”

—Kat Bein for Instagram @music


TWOI, the week on instagram, photography, photojournalism, ghana, kyrgyzstan, mexico, singapore, australia, instagram,

The Week on Instagram | 196


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photography, documentary photography, portraits, venezuela, spain, mexico, Luis Cobelo, user feature, InstagramES, Instagram,

Sharing Reality through People’s Stories with @churrito

To discover other people’s stories and Luis’ take on reality, follow @churrito on Instagram.

(This interview was conducted in Spanish.)

Luis Cobelo (@churrito), a documentary photographer from Venezuela, wants to share his own take on reality. The result is intimate and powerful.

Currently based in Mexico City, portraits are a constant in his work. “I like people very much. I’ve always thought that even if you are anonymous, you still have a story,” he says.

Luis’s aim is for his subjects – and anyone who views his pictures – is to be more open to their surroundings. He says, “It’s fine to talk about yourself, but we need to talk more about what’s happening in the world. Through that I’ve learned to be a better person. By connecting with others, I’ve been able to know who I am.”


photography, art, Illustration, pun, south korea, seoul, Kim Jung-bin, user feature, instagram,

A Look Inside @hi_bin’s World of Visual Puns

To see more of Jung-bin’s comical illustrations, follow @hi_bin on Instagram.

(This interview was conducted in Korean.)

In his most recent series of work, graphic designer and illustrator Kim Jung-bin (@hi_bin) from Seoul, South Korea, shares comical drawings featuring historical and cultural icons, all of which are no more than an inch (2.5 centimeters) in size. Jung-bin says that these tiny illustrations are parody images based on word play. “I take words from quotes of a well-known figure or a title of some famous work and replace it with something that sound phonetically similar,” he says. While many of the visual puns he demonstrates can only be understood in the Korean language, there are some obvious ones — like Abraham Lincoln eating a slice of ham or the King of Pop riding a bicycle to illustrate “Cycle Jackson.” Jung-bin admits that it’s not always easy to come up with witty puns that he can also visualize, but he enjoys the humor and letting others join in on the fun. “I believe that an artist must be happy to make people happy, and that’s what I aim for when I’m drawing.”


photography, weekend hashtag project, WHPtexture, texture, cute, cats, instagram,

Weekend Hashtag Project: #WHPtexture

Weekend Hashtag Project is a series featuring designated themes and hashtags chosen by Instagram’s Community Team. For a chance to be featured on the Instagram blog, follow @instagram and look for a post announcing the weekend’s project every Friday.

The goal this weekend is to capture creative photos that feature prominent textures. Some tips to get you started:

  • Strong texture photos evoke a sense of touch. Look for rough, cracked, soft, prickly, fluffy and all kinds of surfaces that make viewers immediately think of how something feels.
  • Look for textures in unconventional places. Look past walls and fabrics to the natural environment around you and the textures in leaves, fur, everyday objects and even skin.
  • Side-lit materials and surfaces highlight textures much better than subjects faced directly with a light source.

PROJECT RULES: Please add the #WHPtexture hashtag only to photos taken over this weekend and only submit your own photographs to the project. Any tagged image taken over the weekend is eligible to be featured Monday morning.


photography, art, artists, watercolor, contemporary art, rogerhenrique, laradiaz, adrianavarejao, inhotim, bernardopaz, brazil, latinamerica, whereartthou, user feature, instagram,

#whereartthou: The Art of Capturing Inhotim with @rogerhenrique

For more photos and videos from Inhotim, explore the #emptyinhotim hashtag and follow @rogerhenrique and @inhotim on Instagram.

Some forms of art are best experienced in person. To enable these intimate reflections, Bernardo Paz created Inhotim (@inhotim), a contemporary art museum that sprawls across 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) in the countryside of southeastern Brazil. “I wanted to make something that could not be transferred through technology,” he says.

Earlier this month, Bernardo opened the museum’s doors to photography, challenging visitors to capture their unique sensorial experiences on camera. Standing before Adriana Varejão’s (@adrianavarejao) wall-sized painting “O Colecionador,” 22-year-old advertising creative Roger Henrique (@rogerhenrique), felt like he had plunged into an intense daydream: “The optical illusions made me want to escape reality and just dive into the piece’s different dimensions,” he says.

Capturing the dizzying effects of Adriana’s labyrinth may have been difficult for Roger, but making friends at Inhotim was not. He eagerly exchanged ideas about creative projects among kindred spirits, like local watercolor painter Lara Dias (@laradias). “I realized I was among some very talented people,” Roger says. “I wanted to freeze that moment.”


photography, portraits, madrid, spain, hellomynameis, user feature, instagramES, instagram,

Pursuing real dreams with @_casta_

For more on Sergio’s dreams, follow @_casta_ on Instagram.

(This interview was conducted in Spanish.)

“#hellomynameis Sergio Castañera Gómez (@_casta_). I’m 17 years old and I live in Madrid. I like to take my camera when I go out with my friends and photograph the place we’re visiting at that particular moment. In the last year, I’ve realized that simplicity makes me feel good, so I try to show that in my pictures.

My family life is pretty normal. My parents go to work, come back and we all have dinner together. Some adults may think that young people only dream, but it’s not true. I dream about traveling and taking pictures for a living, but I know there are two kinds of people: the ones who dream and the ones who make it happen. I want to be the latter.”