Feeling Better, But Isolated

Posted 2:01 PM, November 20, 2012

By Dave Emberson, blood recipient

We recently hosted a blood drive at the Santa Cruz Yacht Club in honor of Dave, who was diagnosed with leukemia in July.

Okay, I will admit to having a bit of a meltdown on a recent Thursday evening when I got the news about having to go the transplant route, but my loving wife got me through it by forcing me to take lots of drugs and go to bed. God bless her.

Anyway, my spirits have returned--mostly because I received two units of blood today. Chemo had driven my hemoglobin count to 7.6 (normal is 13.5 - 17.7) and the transfusion has made a tremendous difference. I've had numerous Santa Cruz Yacht Club (SCYC) members tell me that we should make a regular thing of the blood drives and I wholeheartedly agree. These blood donations save lives, as I can personally attest. To whoever donated that blood: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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