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Life of Blood

A guide to the cells coursing
through your veins

Illustration by Bryan Christie Design


What is blood?

Blood is a living tissue composed of blood cells suspended in plasma.

The cellular elements -- red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets -- make up about 45% of the volume of whole blood. Plasma, which is 92% water, makes up the remaining 55%.

Blood accounts for approximately 7% of a person’s weight. An average sized man has about 12 pints of blood, and an average sized woman has about 9 pints. When you donate blood, your body immediately begins replacing the donated blood volume, so you can safely donate as often as 6 times a year.

Manny Dy, Apheresis Technician, with platelets that can be used to treat cancer patients, bone marrow transplant patients, trauma victims, and patients with blood disorders.

Manny Dy, Apheresis Technician, with platelets that can be used to treat cancer patients, bone marrow transplant patients, trauma victims, and patients with blood disorders.

Components of blood

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