Laboratory for the Study of Behavioral Medicine

Study Opportunities

The researchers at the Laboratory for the Study of  Behavioral Medicine develop and evaluate innovative approaches for understanding, preventing and treating psychiatric disorders. 


Body Image Improvement Study (Women 18-30)

 Researchers at Stanford are investigating the effectiveness of a state-of-the-art computer program designed to improve body image among college-aged women.  Previous research has found this program to be effective after only one session. We are interested in whether the positive effects of completing the program can be maintained over time.  Each session of the program takes only 10 minutes per week, and the entire intervention is completed in four consecutive weeks at a convenient location on the Stanford campus. 

To be eligible to participate, you must meet the following criteria:

Stanford student (undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate)
Between the ages of 18-30
Not currently participating in other studies at Stanford
Want to feel better about your body

If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact Clare Purvis

Disordered Eating Symptoms Reduction Study (Women 18-35)

The Symptom Reduction Program (SRP) is a promising new computer-based treatment that has been found to be effective for many people suffering from anxiety disorders and there is some evidence to suggest it could be effective for women with eating disorders as well. SRP involves completing a brief computer-based program that changes the way brain processes harmful/maladaptive information. Women participating in this study will complete eight 15-minute sessions over one month (2 times per week for 4 weeks).

To be eligible to participate, you must meet the following criteria:

Females between the ages of 18-35
Experiencing disordered eating symptoms
Not currently seeking treatment

If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact Raquel Friedman at 650-725-5735


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