
Welcome to Climbing Classes at Stanford!  If you want to register for rock climbing recreation classes click here.

Rock 1: Intro to Rock Climbing

This course begins with the essential safety and technical information a new climber needs to get started. Students will get a full rundown on how to properly fit shoes, tie climbing knots, and safely belay for a partner. From there students will learn the fundamentals of moving up vertical terrain by addressing basic techniques for efficient movement. Course includes belay instruction; no experience necessary. No prerequisites.

Rock 2: Intermediate Climbing

This course is designed to take what you know about climbing and dive further into the details. We explore broad concepts like climbing on overhanging terrain and cracks, while working on a student-by-student basis to identify and address specific climbing goals. How can a short climber get that extra inch of reach or how can a technical climber train to get more power? These are some of the questions we will tackle over the quarter. This is a great course for individuals continuing on from Rock 1, or those simply interested in refining their skills. Prerequisite: Rock 1 or equivalent amount of experience and/or knowledge.

Rock 3: Lead Climbing and Conditioning

This is an advanced-intermediate course that will focus on improving climbing fitness while being introduced to current best practices in sport lead climbing. Students will be introduced to a variety of climbing skills and techniques for improving efficiency while climbing including body positioning, efficient and controlled dynamic movement, training techniques for improving climbing fitness and preventing injuries, proper lead clipping techniques, lead belaying techniques and catching lead falls, cleaning lead anchors and rappelling, and building basic sport climbing anchors from fixed protection.

Prerequisites: Rock Climbing 2 (Intermediate) or equivalent.  Students should have a minimum of one year prior climbing and top-rope belaying experience and be able to comfortably complete top-roped climbs of at least a 5.10a level of difficulty. Must be belay certified at SCW prior to the first class.

Bouldering for Fitness:

This course provides a full body workout for everyone and is targeted towards those looking to change up their fitness routine and explore training through bouldering.  Students will be introduced to fundamental techniques for efficient climbing movement and climbing training by utilizing full body circuits to target key muscle groups and increase climbing power endurance. No experience necessary, no prerequisites. This class is part of the Group Fitness Pass System. Click here for more information.