Entrance - Beckman Center

Keyserver-Controlled Software for Windows

You need to have a CMGM/PMGM computer account and your computer must be registered with the Bioinformatics Resource in order to download and use this software. Go to the GettingStarted page if you need a computer account or need to register your computer with the Bioinformatics Resource. Software on this page will not work unless you have received an e-mail saying that your computer can now run the KeyServer licensed software.

Unkeyed, site-licensed software is available at the bottom of this page. Also check out PCStanford for more software. The Windows operating system is available from ITSS Software Licensing.

Older versions of software can be found here

If you encounter any problems with the software, send your questions to CSBF HelpSU

New Software : DNAstar 14, EndNote X8, SnapGene 3.2.1, Origin Statistics

Keyed Software
Software listed below is keyed and licensed for distribution to CMGM members only. A CMGM username and password is required to download the installers and your computer must be registered to run the software.

Forgot your password or want to change it?

Be sure to uncompress any zipped files using Stuffit Expander 32-bit or Stuffit Expander 64-bit and not the Windows UnZip utility.

If you don't have a CMGM account, we invite you to sign up for one now!

Biology and Chemistry Software

Benchling - Molecular biology software (including CRISPR design)
Additional Benchling Storage

ChemBioOffice - Chemical Drawing and analysis software from CambridgeSoft

CLCBio 5 - General purpose sequence analysis software from CLC Bio
CLCBio Genomics Workbench - Process Illumina/454/Solid sequence data
CLC Bio License Request
Clone Manager 9.2 - PCR and Cloning Vector Construction from SciEd Soft

Discovery Studio 2.5.5 (3.7 Gb)- Chemical Structure and analysis software from Accelrys
DS 2.5 Install Instructions

DS 2 BLAST Databases (2 Gb compressed)
DS 2 Modeler Database (2.5 Gb compressed)

DNAstar LaserGene 14.1 Sequence analysis and Next Gen assembly.
DNAstar License Files - Install after installing DNAstar version 13

DNAstar Online Support

Galaxy - NextGen Sequence Analysis
Gene Construction Kit 4 - GCK supplies a user-friendly graphic interface to manipulate complex plasmids and produce professional color illustrations.

Gene Inspector - Lab Notebook with DNA/protein analysis from Textco.

Geneious Pro - General purpose sequence analysis.

Geneious Server - Used for NextGen data analysis

GeneSpring - Microarray analysis software from Agilent.
GeneSpring License Request and Download

Genome Compiler - Cloning software
Golden Helix - Used for NextGen variant analysis. GoldenHelix.com
GREAT -Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool - Bejerano lab, Stanford - Predicts target genes and biological functions of a set of cis-regulatory regions, such as ChIP-seq peaks.

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
Biological Pathway analysis software from Ingenuity

Kodak 1D Image Analysis (ver 4.0.3) - General purpose image analysisfor gels & blots from Kodak
Kodak1D Install Instructions

Oligo 6.86 Primer Analysis software for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequencing, site-directed mutagenesis, and various hybridization applications.

Marvin - a collection of tools for drawing, displaying and characterizing chemical structures, queries, macromolecules and reactions
Mascot - Mass Spec Fragment Analysis. From MatrixScience
Mutation Surveyor - SNP detection software from SoftGenetics.

NTSYSpc 2.1 - Phylogenetic Analysis software from Exeter Software

Partek 6 Genomic Suite - microarray analysis from Partek
Partek Flow - NextGen assembly and analysis from Partek
PEAKS - Mass Spec Fragment Analysis. From Bioinformatics Solutions
Pipeline Pilot - For developing analysis workflows. From Accelrys

PyMOL - Molecular visualization software. From Swain Chemical Library

QLUCORE - Genomics analysis visualization software. From QLUCORE

Sequencher 5.2.4 - NextGen Fragment assembly software from GeneCodes

Sequencher 5.1 Sequencher from GeneCodes provides fragment assembly, indepth support for vector and transposon screening, ORF analysis, protein translations, restriction mapping, and heterozygote identifcation. (Doesn't work with Vista Home)
External Tools Installer (MAQ, GNSNAP)

SnapGene 3.2.1 - offers the fastest and easiest way to plan, visualize, and document your molecular biology procedures. from SnapGene

Sybyl X 2.1.1 Molecular Modeling software from Tripos
Sybyl Modules Available

Vector NTI Suite 9 and 11 Full featured sequence anlaysis from Invitrogen

Data Analysis Software

Berkeley Madonna 8- Differential equation solver for dynamic system simulation from Berkeley Madonna

DeltaGraph 5 - General purpose graphing program. - Needs QuickTime

GraphPad Prism 7 & Lab Archives- Scientific Graphing & Statistics from GraphPad
License expires March 31, 2018.


IGOR Pro 6.22 - Engineering graphing program from Wavemetrics

JMP Genomics - Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data from SAS . Available for $65 from Stanford Software Licensing. JMP available for $10.

Kaleidagraph 4.03 - New Version!

LabVIEW - Graphical programming environment to develop sophisticated measurement, test, and control systems.

Mathematica 10 - Mathematical analysis and modeling from Wolfram

Mathematica 8 - Mathematical analysis and modeling from Wolfram
Mathematica 9 - Mathematical analysis and modeling from Wolfram

MatLab - Mathematical analysis and modeling from The MathWorks
List of Toolboxes

Origin Pro - Graphing and analysis from Origin Lab

R - General purpose statistical analysis

SigmaPlot 13 - General purpose graphing package from Systat. Includes SigmaStat
SigmaPlot 12.5 - General purpose graphing package from Systat. Includes SigmaStat

SPSS 20 - 32bit Download and install instructions (900 Mb)
General purpose statistical analysis from SPSS

SPSS 21 - 64bit Download and install instructions (994 Mb)
General purpose statistical analysis from SPSS
Systat - General purpose statistical software from SYSTAT

Image Analysis Software


ImageJ General purpose image analysis (gels, blots, photomicrographs) from NIH

Imaris 8.1.2 - General purpose confocal image analysis for microscope images from Bitplane
License Request and Download

Kodak 1D Image Analysis (ver 4.0.3) - General purpose image analysis for gels & blots from Kodak
Kodak1D Install Instructions

LX Proscope Software - General purpose image analysis for the ProScope. The ProScope is available for loan. Contact Us.

Metamorph 7.7 - General purpose image analysis of microscope images from Molecular Devices

Metamorph License Request and Download

Phoretix - 2D Gel Analysis Software from nonlinear dynamics

Step 1: Phoretix Security Disk-
Step 2:
Phoretix Installer

Step 3: Phoretix License Installer - Install after Installing Phoretix

Phoretix Evolution - 2 Color 2D Gel Analysis Software from nonlinear dynamics

Step 1: Phoretix Evolution Installer (263 Mb)
Step 2:
Phoretix Tutorial Installer (150 Mb)
Step 3:
Phoretix License Request
TotalLab Quant - 1D Gel, Colony, & Array Analysis Software from nonlinear dynamics
VOLOCITY 5.1 - 3D image reconstruction software from Improvision
Volocity License Request and Download

Training available through CSIF

General Purpose Office Programs

Microsoft Office 2013 64-Bit only
Microsoft Office 2013 32-Bit only - Available through Stanford ESS.


Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit only (800 Mb)- The industry standard document creation suite. Includes PowerPoint (for presentations), Excel (spreadsheet), and Word, Outlook

Microsoft Office 2010 32-Bit only (719 Mb)- The industry standard document creation suite. Includes PowerPoint (for presentations), Excel (spreadsheet), and Word, Outlook

Microsoft Office 2007 (343 Mb)- The industry standard document creation suite. Includes PowerPoint (for presentations), Excel (spreadsheet), and Word, Outlook

Microsoft Access 2007 - database program from Microsoft

Microsoft One Note 2007 - electronic notebook (online info)


Microsoft Visio Pro - Graphics and Drawing (online info)
Microsoft Visio Install Instructions

Graphics & Page Layout Software

Adobe Acrobat X CS5

Adobe Acrobat 9 CS4

Adobe Flash CS5
Adobe Fireworks CS4

Adobe InDesign CS2 (472Mb)

Adobe InDesign CS4 (472Mb)

Adobe Illustrator CS3 (1.18Gb) - If using Adobe Premiere, install Premiere first

Adobe Illustrator CS4 (1.32Gb)

Adobe Illustrator CS6-32bit (958 Mb)
Adobe Illustrator CS6-64bit (1.1 Gb)

Adobe Photoshop CS3 (555Mb) - If using Adobe Premiere, install Premiere first
Adobe Photoshop CS4(1.4 Gb)
Adobe Photoshop CS6-64bit(1.3 Gb)
Adobe Photoshop CS6-32bit

AutoCAD - AutoCAD is a 3D CAD design, drafting, modeling, architectural drawing, and engineering package. Free to students.

Dragonframe - animation software (from Dragonframe)


Concept Draw Pro VI - Easy to use drawing from CS Odessa


Adobe Dreamweaver CS4

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

Macromedia Fireworks 4.02

Adobe Premiere CS3 - (764Mb) Edit Quicktime-based movies and sound for web and/or presentation applications. Requires Quicktime 3, available at www.apple.com. Install Premiere before any other CS3 Adobe apps

Adobe Premiere CS4 - (764Mb) Edit Quicktime-based movies and sound for web and/or presentation applications. Requires Quicktime 3, available at www.apple.com.

SmartDraw Healthcare Edition - Drawing package with Netter Anatomical Image Database

Adobe Pagemaker 6.5
PageMaker Install Instructions


Database Software

EndNote X8 - works with Office 2011 and Windows 8
EndNote X7.2 - works with Office 2011 and Windows 8
EndNote X7 - works with Office 2011 and Windows 8
EndNote X6 - works with Office 2011 and Windows 7

EndNote X4 - works with Office 2011 and Windows 7

EndNote X3 - works with Office 2007 and Vista

Reference Manager 12 - manage literature references from Thompson/Reuters

FileMaker Pro 13 - database program from FileMaker
FileMaker Pro 12 - database program from FileMaker

FileMaker Pro 11 - database program from FileMaker

Microsoft Access 2007 - database program from Microsoft
FileMaker Murine Pathology Database - tracking data related to mouse studies, including (freezer records, image data, oligos, etc)
Mendeley - Bibliographic Database licensed by Stanford Libraries
Chemical Software and Databases at Swain Library - Cambridge Database, Chem Abstracts, SciFinder, etc

Electronic Lab Notebooks

Benchling - Molecular biology software and lab notebook
Sparklix - Cloud based solution

OpenAtrium - Install on your own computer

Unkeyed, Site-Licensed Software (also available at PCStanford site)



Unkeyed, Freeware Software

OpenOffice - The free competitor to Microsoft Office

Notepad ++ - The free text editor for Windows

Quartzy - Lab management software

GIMP - image editor, like Photoshop, only free

Last Updated: 08/23/2013