ABRF 2018 - Myrtle Beach
April 22 - 25, 2018

ABRF 2018, "The Premier Conference for Core Services" will bring together international leaders in our core disciplines to provide a vision of what can be done, and insight toward making further progress as we work in the present. Core facilities are uniquely positioned to lead efforts to develop and optimize workflows for the generation of reproducible data, as well as to implement and disseminate these methods among laboratories. Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to be inspired by recent scientific advances, as well as to gain practical knowledge on implementing methodologies today in order to support future discoveries.


The 2018 ABRF Award Lecture for
Outstanding Contributions to Biomolecular Technologies


Amos Bairoch, Ph.D.

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics


With scientific data increasing exponentially, it is imperative that the community develop tools to store, process, share, and track massive amounts of data among global collaborators. This award honors Prof. Bairoch for his outstanding career and his leadership in this metadata revolution. Particularly for the development of community resources such as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot knowledgebase, PROSITE, ENZYME, and neXtProt.


Genomics Track

The Genomics track of ABRF 2018 provides information on the latest applications of next gen sequencing and molecular biological technologies as applied to questions of genome structure, dynamics, regulation, and more. These are not just esoteric presentations of technology but often emphasize procedures and advice for integrating these latest applications into a core setting. Meeting participants can expect to hear discussions of single cell sequencing, CRISPR applications, clinical sequencing, data analysis and other topics. In addition, vendor presentations ensure participants are kept up to date on technology improvements and new resources imminently available. This information is critical to allow core personnel to be pro-active with regard to new technologies for their institutions.

Imaging Track

Three days of world-renowned speakers and hot topics in light microscopy in sunny Myrtle Beach, SC.   Take advantage of the collegial environment to network and share ideas about instrumentation, reagents, methods and the challenges of running a shared resource. Bring your sunglasses and come see the bright future of imaging.

Topics include:  Open-Mic New this year – Submit your abstract for a chance to give a talk and get a free meeting registration; super-resolution – the do’s and don’ts; microscope add-ons; image processing; clearing in a core setting; training in an LM core; and the Light Microscopy Research Group.

Mass Spectrometry Track

The ABRF 2018 Mass Spectrometry track encompasses proteomics as well as metabolomics and mass spec imaging.  The program features groundbreaking research and methods as well as practical information and discussion for core lab implementation. Going beyond the hype to daily realities, topics will cover LC-MS/MS reproducibility, DIA and DDA quantitative proteomics, translational proteomics, and practical technical workshops.  ABRF Research Groups -- MRG (Metabolomics), PRG (Proteomics), sPRG (Proteomics Standards), iPRG (Proteome Informatics), and WIN (Workflow Interest Network) -- will present study results and invite participation in new studies.  Also, the new Lipidomics Research Group (LRG) will debut at ABRF 2018.

Core Administration Track

The  Administrative track at ABRF 2018 is taking it back to the basics! With a recognition of the strong and varied experiences of our members, we hope to provide a venue for the new administrator and those new to core facility management. There will be plenty of great sessions for the seasoned experts as well. Workshops and sessions will include: Planning, SOP generation, budgeting, and best practices; Sources of support for core sustainability; IT Solutions for Core Management; Career and professional Development opportunities; a gathering of other administrative organizations (e.g. NCURA, SRA, etc.); Requirements for cores working with Center grants; Data management; and Speed Dating - a series of roundtables set up with a topic leader at each to lead discussion & answer questions. Additionally, we are excited to announce our plenary Speaker, Dr. Larry Schaaf from The Ohio State University’s Drug Development Institute who will be discussing Core Facilities as a partner for Pharma’s R&D initiatives. Come learn, contribute, network, and help our already stellar administrative community continue to grow.



Poster Presentations

Please consider submitting an abstract for a poster presentation at the 2018 ABRF Annual Meeting. This is a great opportunity to show off the contribution of your core to a research project, or share a hot technical tip, or present your institution’s approach to addressing a common core resource challenge. Several sponsored prizes will be available across all disciplines. The abstracts will be published in the Journal of Biomolecular Techniques and listed in PubMed. Posters are on display throughout the meeting, and will be featured during an evening poster reception with food and drink. This poster session is an outstanding instant networking opportunity. But wait, there’s more! As if all these benefits are not enough, you will also be given a bonus drink ticket for hosting your poster. Lively discussions practically guaranteed!

Abstract Instructions
Abstract submission deadline January 9, 2018.

Platinum Sponsors of the ABRF