David Wu

David Wu 

David Wu
Department of Computer Science
Stanford University

Email: dwu4@cs.stanford.edu
Blog: Pseudorandom Musings

Research Interests: Cryptography, Computer Security, Machine Learning
[CV, Google Scholar, DBLP]



Privacy-Preserving Shortest Path Computation

David J. Wu, Joe Zimmerman, Jérémy Planul, and John C. Mitchell
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2016

Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Limited Leakage

Nathan Chenette, Kevin Lewi, Stephen A. Weis, and David J. Wu

Constraining Pseudorandom Functions Privately

Dan Boneh, Kevin Lewi, and David J. Wu

Privately Evaluating Decision Trees and Random Forests

David J. Wu, Tony Feng, Michael Naehrig, and Kristin Lauter

Immunizing Multilinear Maps Against Zeroizing Attacks

Dan Boneh, David J. Wu, and Joe Zimmerman

Private Database Queries using Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption

Dan Boneh, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Frank Wang, and David J. Wu
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS), 2013

Deep Learning with COTS HPC Systems

Adam Coates, Brody Huval, Tao Wang, David J. Wu, Andrew Y. Ng, and Bryan Catanzaro
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2013

End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks

Tao Wang, David J. Wu, Adam Coates, and Andrew Y. Ng
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012

Text Detection and Character Recognition in Scene Images with Unsupervised Feature Learning

Adam Coates, Blake Carpenter, Carl Case, Sanjeev Satheesh, Bipin Suresh, Tao Wang, David J. Wu, and Andrew Y. Ng
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2011

Honors and Awards


Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant for CS 255: Introduction to Cryptography (Winter, 2014-15)

  • Teaching Assistant for CS 255: Introduction to Cryptography (Winter, 2013-14)

  • Instructor, Stanford Splash (2012 - 2013)

    • Taught short, two-hour long classes to middle and high school students.

      • Course on Cryptographic Protocols: “The Wizardry Behind Modern Cryptography.”

      • Course on Computer Security: “Defense Against the Dark Arts: A Crash Course in Computer Security.”

  • Section Leader for CS 106A/B: Programming Methodology/Paradigms (Sep, 2010 - Dec, 2011)

    • Led weekly discussion sections, graded student assignments, met one-on-one with students to discuss programming style and paradigms, staffed computer resource center, and graded midterms and finals for CS 106A/B.

Work Experience

  • Research Intern, Microsoft Research – Redmond (Jun, 2014 - Sep, 2014)

  • Software Engineering Intern, Coursera (Jan, 2013 - May, 2013)

    • Worked on the infrastructure team on improving site monitoring, logging and testing. Also developed improvements to internal deployment tools.

  • Software Engineering Intern, Facebook (Jun, 2011 - Sep, 2011)

    • Worked on Facebook News Feed and Timeline backend systems. Helped improve memory performance of the Facebook News Feed and designed and implemented a system for data recovery and synchronization across distributed databases for Facebook Timeline.

  • Software Engineering Intern, Intuit (Jun, 2010 - Sep, 2010)

    • Worked with the mint.com team on automatic transaction categorization. Designed and built a web-based application that aggregated merchant categorization data, displayed statistical measures of categorization, and streamlined the process of making modifications to categorization parameters.