CS547 Human-Computer Interaction Seminar  (Seminar on People, Computers, and Design)

Fridays 12:30-2:20 · Gates B01 · Open to the public

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Fall 2015 schedule   (watch online)

25 SepDarius KazemiTiny Subversions
Context, or, How to trick your users into thinking you're a genius
2 OctGordon WetzsteinStanford University
Emerging Trends and Applications of Light Field Displays
9 OctWendy JuStanford University
Transforming Design: Interaction with Robots and Cars
16 OctGordon KurtenbachAutodesk Research
Goal Directed Design and the Future of Making
23 OctKrzysztof GajosHarvard University
Lab in the Wild: Tools for Large-Scale Experimentation in HCI
30 OctJanet VertesiPrinceton University
Seeing Like a Rover: Visualization, embodiment, and teamwork on the Mars Exploration Rover mission
6 NovSean FollmerStanford University
Designing Material Interfaces: Redefining Interaction through Programmable Materials and Tactile Displays
13 NovStelarcCurtin University Perth
Zombies, Humanoids, & Hybrids: The Creepy, The Uncanny & The Contestable
20 NovLorrie CranorCarnegie Mellon University
Conducting Usable Privacy and Security Studies: It's Complicated
4 DecArvind NarayananPrinceton University
Better security and privacy hinges on better design: two case studies
Instructor: Michael Bernstein
Email: cs547@cs.stanford.edu
Enrolled students

Thanks to the Stanford Computer Forum and SCPD, whose support helps make this seminar possible.