Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered frequently asked questions from the developer community and have provided the answers below for your reference.

Store Submissions FAQs

There are multiple steps involved in the review process, and you should receive notification throughout each stage of the review. If you have concerns about a deadline that you need approved by, we recommend submitting for review two to three weeks in advance.

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While it is not a requirement to use the release channels, we recommending managing your builds in this way. This is the most effective method of deploying to specific users for testing as well as managing different builds.

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Samsung S7E: SM-G935A (USA AT&T)

Samsung S7: SM-G930A (USA AT&T)

Samsung S6: SM-G920A (USA AT&T)

Samsung S6E: SM-G925A (USA AT&T)

Samsung Note 5: SM-N920A (USA AT&T)

Samsung Note 4: SM-N910A (USA AT&T) (If your app supports Note 4)


NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290

Intel i5-4590


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We require a variety of artwork so that your content looks beautiful and compelling across the Oculus ecosystem. Art guidelines are located here.

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Sometimes there is a lag between approval of your app and display in the Store. Your app will go live the morning after approval has been granted.

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Please contact the store submissions team at to request price changes for your app.

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Please contact the store submissions team at referencing the need to suspend distribution of your app.

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Samsung Galaxy S8+

Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S7E

Samsung Galaxy S7

Samsung Galaxy S6

Samsung Galaxy S6E

Samsung Note 5

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Please reach out to our parent company, Facebook regarding any finance related questions. You may contact them here.

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Unity FAQs

Check your player settings and make sure "Virtual Reality Supported" is checked and that "Oculus" is in the list of supported devices.

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There are two things you can look into to solve this problem:

  1. Your copy of OVRPlugin.dll is modified or corrupted in some way.
  2. You have tried running an executable that has non-english Unicode characters in the path name.

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Check and make sure that you have added both OVRManager and OVRPlatform script files to your scene.

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The headset must be on your head for touch haptics to be activated.

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Not typically. Depending on the type of projector being used this may be possible. Please see the forum thread here for more information.

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Unity’s render statistics report a higher FPS than reality because they track all cameras. You should only take into account the Oculus script’s FPS reading.

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Unreal Engine FAQs

Please see the blog post on optimizing for Gear VR here for a good break down of best practices.

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Please see the forum post here regarding setting this up. There are also instructions regarding setting up a basic list of players in text format as well.

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The command to set the pixel density in UE4 is 'hmd pd'. You need to detect what phone you're running on an scale it up to increase the quality.

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Yes, but not unless you build from source. You can use Wwise and our plugin to render ambisonics and Media Framework to render video.

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No. The stereo cubemap won’t line up with 3D content when the user’s head pose has any pitch or roll.

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There are two ways to render a portal: rendering to a texture for the content on the other side of the portal and regular render and stencil in the foreground geometry. The second approach is definitely going to work better performance wise on the Gear due to bandwidth limitations.

Here are some helpful links:

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We currently do not recommend using HDR on mobile platforms. This is because HDR consumes far more texture bandwidth than the regular pipeline.

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In unreal engines 4.13+ there is the ability to use a cubemap overlays to perform this function.

You will need to tick the LeftTexture box in Cubemap Overlays Properties to enable it.

See the documentation here:

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Yes. See the following instructions: All the parameters that in blueprint are given to AddLoadingSplashScreen can also be written in the DefaultEngine.ini file of their game (Config/DefaultEngine.ini), as shown:

(most of those parameters are optional)



DistanceInMeters=translation (vec3)

Rotation=rotation (quaternion)

SizeInMeters=size (vec2)

DeltaRotation=delta (quaternion)

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