How To

Complete PI quarterly review and certification.

The PI's certification assures that all expenses charged to the account are allowable, allocable to the project, and reasonable. The certification of salary expenditures assures that salaries charged to the account are supported by a corresponding expenditure of effort during the time period being certified. The certification also assures that other expenditures are for items or services purchased and used during the project period as specified by the award. It is the PI's responsibility to seek a No-Cost Extension of the award if that is necessary in order to complete the project.

To be considered timely, the certification must be signed within two months of the end of the academic quarter being certified. Best practice is to certify on the Quarterly Expenditure Review and Certification Report, RM149.

PIs certify by printing and signing the Quarterly Expenditure Review and Certification report (run FIN_EXP_149_Qtrly_Exp_Cert in ReportMart3).

The PI's certification assures that:

The following certification statement appears on Expenditure Statements for every sponsored project and cost sharing account:



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Filed under Award Management