How To

Comply with DOD requirements for safe operations.

You must have an approved Institutional Facility Safety Plan on file with the USAMRMC. The current plan is valid from 08/02/2011 through 08/02/2016. (See Documents below, Stanford is listed as number 680).


Faculty members receiving funding from the DOD must submit a Certificate of Environmental Compliance (CEC) and Assurance form to USAMRMC. 

EH&S must sign the certificate and submit the forms (with Project Title and PI's name inserted) along with the project proposal via email.

Upon review, the PI will be contacted with any outstanding issues. Once these are resolved, the form will be completed by EH&S and returned to the faculty member.

Allow for five working days for sign-off of forms.


For more information, please contact:

Gibbs, Lawrence

Associate Vice Provost

Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)

(650) 723-0448, (650) 723-7403

Filed under Health & Safety

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