5.3 Charging Admin and Technical Expenses: Check for Understanding

Review the scenario to determine if the administrative charges are integral to the project

A PI in the Anthropology Department is doing research in South America. His project is with the National Science Foundation. He will have extensive contact with the people and must keep track of hundreds of interview records; these are considered human subjects. He has arranged for his administrative assistant to come along. The administrative assistant will also provide administrative support in working with local vendors. As part of the scope of work on this project, he has to send periodic reports, including photographs, to 25 people around the world. This effort and expense have been justified, budgeted and approved by the sponsor. He must use a local service to photocopy and make reprints of his photographs. They charge $200 per report and $25 per picture. This local service is also the local post office, and for $100 per report, they take care of packaging and mailing. He will also charge other types of mailing expenses to the project.

Is the administrative expense considered Integral to the project?
Yes! This expense can be considered integral to the project. Projects such as these are geographically inaccessible to normal departmental administrative services located on campus.The project also has an extensive amount of Human Subject activity which is integral to the project.
That's incorrect. This project can be considered major because OMB Circular A-21 defines major project as a project or activity that requires an extensive amount of administrative or clerical support which is significantly greater than the routine level of such services provided by academic departments. This project is located in a geographically inaccessible location. Projects such as these are geographically inaccessible to normal departmental administrative services located on campus. The project also has an extensive amount of Human Subjects. Individual projects requiring project-specific database management; individualized graphics or manuscripts preparation; human or animal protocols; and multiple project-related investigator coordination and communications can be considered major.
Is it acceptable for the PI to use local photocopy and postal services that charge such high fees?
Yes! I While the amount of that expense may not be reasonable here on Stanford's campus, if we were in South America and there was no other service within 300 miles, it would be considered reasonable. The expense is for a technical purpose (we need to have the reports and photos duplicated as required by the scope of work).
That's incorrect! If you follow the decision tree for Charging Administrative and Technical Expenses, you see that the expense is allowable and while the amount of that expense may not be reasonable here on Stanford's campus, if we were in South America and there was no other service within 300 miles, it would be considered reasonable. The cost is also specifically identifiable as it is in a "Geographically Inaccessible" Project Location. The expense is for a technical purpose (we need to have the reports and photos duplicated as required by the scope of work) so we follow the decision tree to charge it directly to the award. When normally administrative costs are planned and used for a projects technical scope of work, the project does not need to be major for those cost to be charged direct, but they must meet the remaining policy criteria, specifically identified, budgeted and justified.
Can the PI charge the effort of the administrative assistant to this project?
Yes! This project requires extensive administrative management/record keeping of human subjects performed by an administrator rather than technical staff. The salary must be budgeted, justified, not disallowed, and specifically identified to the project.
That's incorrect. This project requires extensive administrative management/record keeping of human subjects performed by an administrator rather than technical staff. The salary must be budgeted, justified, not disallowed, and specifically identified to the project.

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