City of Sunnyvale - RSS news feeds

About RSS and news feeds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a way to automatically know when the contents of multiple websites are updated without having to constantly visit each one.   A software program that can read RSS allows you to select which website's RSS news feeds to subscribe to, lets you know when they are updated, and allows you to read the web pages that have been most recently updated.   Many web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox, have the ability to subscribe to RSS news feeds and read them.   To learn more about RSS click here.

RSS news feeds
To subscribe to one of the City of Sunnyvale RSS news feeds below, click on the RSS icon or the link to open the RSS subscription web page.   Your RSS software program may then have a "Subscribe to this feed" link (Internet Explorer) or "Subscribe Now" button (Firefox) to confirm your RSS subscription.

City News
City Manager's Bi-Weekly Blog about the City of Sunnyvale
Planning Development Updates
City Council, Boards, and Commissions Meetings
City Council Meetings - Agendas & Minutes
Planning Commission Meetings - Agendas & Minutes

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