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Juan G. Santiago (Professor)

Juan G. Santiago juan.santiago
Personal bio
Juan G. Santiago is Professor and Chair of the Thermosciences Group of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. He received his MS and PhD ('95) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He was a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Aerospace Corporation ('95 - '97), won a Ford Foundation Postodoctoral Fellowship ('97), and worked as a Research Scientist at UIUCâ??s Beckman Institute ('97 - '98). He specializes in microscale transport phenomena, electrokinetics, and the design and optimization of microfluidic devices. His research includes the development of microsystems for on-chip chemical and biochemical analysis, drug delivery, sample preparation methods, and miniature fuel cells. Applications of this work include genetic analysis, drug discovery, chemical weapon detection, and power generation. He has received a Frederick Emmons Terman Faculty Fellowship ('98-'01); won the National Inventorâ??s Hall of Fame Collegiate Inventors Competition ('01); was awarded the Outstanding Achievement in Academia Award by the GEM Foundation ('06); and was awarded a National Science Foundation Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) ('03-'08). He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, on the editorial board of the Journal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, an Associate Editor of the journal Lab on a Chip, co-founder of Cooligy Inc., co-inventor of micron-resolution particle image velocimetry (Micro-PIV), and director of the Stanford Microfluidics Laboratory. Santiago has given 13 keynote and named lectures and more than 100 additional invited lectures. He and his students have been awarded 10 best paper and best poster awards. Since 1998, he has graduated 18 PhD students and advised nine postdoctoral researchers (12 of his advisees are professors at major universities). He has authored and co-authored over 120 archival publications and 200 conference papers, and holds 25 patents.

Currently teaching
ME 13N: The Great Principle of Similitude (Autumn)
ME 354: Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics (Winter)
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