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Vijay S. Pande (Professor)

Vijay S. Pande pande
Personal bio
Prof. Pande is currently the Director of the Program in Biophysics and a Professor of Chemistry and (by courtesy) of Structural Biology and of Computer Science at Stanford University. Prof. Pande received a BA in Physics from Princeton University in 1992 and PhD in physics from MIT in 1995. Prof. Pande's current research centers on the development and application of novel grid computing simulation techniques to address problems in chemical biology. In particular, he has pioneered novel distributed computing methodology to break fundamental barriers in the simulation of kinetics and thermodynamics of proteins and nucleic acids. Prof. Pande has won numerous awards, including the Michael and Kate Barany Award for Young Investigators from Biophysical Society (2012), Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award, American Chemical Society (2010), Fellow of the American Physical Society (2008), Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award from the Protein Society (2006), the MIT Indus Global Technovators Award (2004), a Henry and Camile Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award (2003), being named to MIT's TR100 (2002), and named a Frederick E. Terman Fellow (2002).

Currently teaching
THINK 1: The Science of MythBusters (Autumn)
BIO 199X: Out-of-Department Advanced Research Laboratory in Experimental Biology (Spring)
BIOMEDIN 290: Biomedical Informatics Teaching Methods (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
BIOMEDIN 299: Directed Reading and Research (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
BIOMEDIN 370: Medical Scholars Research (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
BIOPHYS 300: Graduate Research (Autumn, Winter, Summer)
BIOPHYS 399: Directed Reading in Biophysics (Autumn, Winter, Summer)
CHEM 110: Directed Instruction/Reading (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
CHEM 190: Advanced Undergraduate Research (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
CHEM 200: Research and Special Advanced Work (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
CHEM 301: Research in Chemistry (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
CME 400: Ph.D. Research (Spring)
CS 191: Senior Project (Spring)
CS 191W: Writing Intensive Senior Project (WIM) (Autumn, Spring)
CS 199: Independent Work (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
CS 390A: Curricular Practical Training (Spring, Summer)
CS 390P: Part-time Curricular Practical Training (Winter, Spring)
CS 390Q: Part-Time Curricular Practical Training (Spring)
CS 390S: Part-Time CPT (Autumn)
CS 390T: Part-Time CPT (Winter)
CS 399: Independent Project (Spring)
PHYSICS 190: Independent Research and Study (Autumn, Winter)
PHYSICS 205: Senior Thesis Research (Autumn)
PHYSICS 490: Research (Winter, Spring, Summer)
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