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1 - 1 of 1 results for: MS&E 181: Issues in Technology and Work for a Postindustrial Economy

MS&E 181: Issues in Technology and Work for a Postindustrial Economy

How changes in technology and organization are altering work and lives. Approaches to studying and designing work. How understanding work and work practices can assist engineers in designing better technologies and organizations. Topics include job design, distributed and virtual organizations, the blurring of boundaries between work and family life, computer supported cooperative work, trends in skill requirements and occupational structures, monitoring and surveillance in the workplace, downsizing and its effects on work systems, project work and project-based lifestyles, the growth of contingent employment, telecommuting, electronic commerce, and the changing nature of labor relations. Enrollment limited to 50 students. Preference to MS&E, STS, and CEE seniors, followed by MS&E, STS, and CEE juniors.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Barley, S. (PI)
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