Independent Producers Group, et al. v. Library of Congress, et al.

Docket Number: 13-1132
Judge: Millett
Opinion Date: July 25, 2014

IPG challenged the distribution of royalties from a royalty fund managed by the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress, which provides payments to copyright holders when they are statutorily obligated to license their work to third parties. IPG’s former president had signed a settlement agreement that fully disposed of IPG’s interest in the royalties at issue concerning religious programming broadcasts on cable television in 1998. In this case, IPG seeks judicial review under an inapposite jurisdictional grant of a decade-old distribution based on the actions of IPG’s then-president, on which the Royalty Judges reasonably relied, and indeed, the authority for which has never been challenged. Therefore, the court dismissed the appeal, concluding that it lacked statutory jurisdiction over the dispute. View “Independent Producers Group, et al. v. Library of Congress, et al.” on Justia Law